May 10, 2011 11:06

So, as I mentioned before I’m going to be running another prompt-taking session. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an old friend or a new friend, if you want to leave a prompt then feel free to :)

Just in case you don’t know, I do these prompt things for two reasons. Firstly, I like to be able to do something for my friends. I’m not really in a ( Read more... )

prompts, friends, flist, fic stuff, yay, writing

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Comments 32

dani_blondy May 10 2011, 10:21:19 UTC
I don't really follow the Dean/Cas or J2 Fandom Fic Wise anymore but I do have 2 Other Slashy Pairings.

Luke and Noah and Luke and Reid from As the world turns.

I would love love if you could write them but if not no biggie, Can't hurt to ask right :D


theron09 May 10 2011, 10:25:59 UTC
It's a shame you don't follow those anymore otherwise I definitely would have been able to write you something.

I'm really sorry but I've never even seen As the World Turns so I don't think I can write you anything. Sorry!


si_star_x May 10 2011, 12:33:10 UTC
This might be a little adventurous asking for this, but... something I really want to read. Jensen/Jared meeting online and then maybe figuring out that they live near each other? Or something? Just online-meeting. I have a seriously craving. Plus it's my birthday in two weeks, perfect! *Grin* Hehe.


theron09 May 10 2011, 14:33:05 UTC
I like this prompt! I'm looking forward to writing it.

Haha, I already had something else planned for your birthday but I'll see if I can get this written for then, too :)


si_star_x May 10 2011, 14:40:43 UTC
Eeee. Exciting! *Smooshes* I don't want to be 22, that's like... old. Nearly old. XD;;

I was only joking, but, y'know... whatever you can do, I'll love you forever.


theron09 May 10 2011, 14:46:31 UTC
Haha, that's not old!

XD There will definitely be something for your birthday.


lightthesparks May 10 2011, 16:49:46 UTC
OH, SHINY. I like this :D

Lemme think. How about some Dean goes to Stanford with Sam? I.e. he puts his job of protecting Sam over his loyalty to his Dad. And obviously, he doesn't wanna be without Sam.

If this doesn't inspire you, no biggie, I'm sure I can come up with something else :D


theron09 May 10 2011, 16:58:31 UTC
Ooooh, awesome prompt! It definitely inspires me :) Just to check, would you prefer gen or Sam/Dean for this?


lightthesparks May 10 2011, 17:02:58 UTC
When do I ever not want Sam/Dean? Lol. Although, I'm perfectly ok if it turns out Gen, but Wincest owns my heart :D (Preferably even non-established wincest, i.e., they only come together after they arrive at Standford. Hmmmm.)


theron09 May 10 2011, 17:10:45 UTC
Haha, I thought you meant Wincest but I just wanted to check :)

Oooh, now there's an idea :)

(You do realise this is totally turning into a very long fic in my head, right?)


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theron09 May 11 2011, 06:56:07 UTC
Haha, I love all of those prompts! I'll go with 3 and 4 for now, might get around to writing the other ones at some point in the future :)

Hope you liked it!


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theron09 May 11 2011, 16:09:05 UTC
Haha, they're awesome prompts :D


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theron09 May 13 2011, 08:20:19 UTC


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