May 10, 2011 11:06

So, as I mentioned before I’m going to be running another prompt-taking session. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an old friend or a new friend, if you want to leave a prompt then feel free to :)

Just in case you don’t know, I do these prompt things for two reasons. Firstly, I like to be able to do something for my friends. I’m not really in a position to buy icons or send cards on special occasions so this is my way of giving you all something. Secondly, I made a resolution at New Year’s to try and challenge myself with my writing by trying to write things I might not usually write so this is a good way of getting prompts for that.

I’ll write for SPN, CW RPS, Leverage, Oceans 11 and if there’s anything else you’d like me to write for just ask - if I don’t know/don’t feel comfortable writing for the fandom then I’ll let you know. I’ll write either gen or for a pairing. Pairing-wise, most of you know the pairings I read and write - Sam/Dean, some Dean/Cas, Jared/Jensen, Jeff/Jensen, Eliot/Alec, Nate/Eliot - but if there’s anything else then, again, just ask and I’ll see what I can do.

I’ll take prompts up until the 17th so that gives us a week to sort things out. And I’m going to say up to two prompts per person this time because a few people wanted to give more than one on the last round.

prompts, friends, flist, fic stuff, yay, writing

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