
May 09, 2011 16:20

Hey everyone :D

How are you all today? I hope the weather where all of you are is as nice as it is here today. (Except that I just looked out of the window and there are black clouds in the sky - it's going to pour down again!)

So, the big bang reveals have been posted and I'm pleased to tell you that the artist I'm working with is tinkabell007 . I'm looking forward to getting to know her and to seeing the art :)

I managed to get roped into helping with our leavers yearbook today. I was asked to help in such a flattering way (seeing as you're a good writer....you've got time on your hand's because you're a good student) that I couldn't really say no. I don't know, I kind of wanted to help out anyway but I had decided not to because, actually, I don't really have time on my hands with revision and writing and doing my leadership qualification. Still, it might be fun. I just need to try and remember things that happened in Year 8 now so that I can write about them.

Eeek, and it just thundered.

My revision officially started today and I got a bit done - have more pencilled in to do later tonight. During my breaks, I've been working more on the J2 guitar fic - it's almost done now so is anyone willing to beta it for me? It's going to be NC-17, at least 4k but probably no longer than 5k and there are two sex scenes.

I'm almost at the end of 'The Fellowship of the Ring', as in, I have two chapters left to read. I'm still enjoying it, looking forward to reading the next one.
Oh, and just a heads up, I think I'm going to be taking prompts again soonish. I like writing them while I'm revising because they're a nice way of taking a break from History :) So yeah, if you want to leave me one then start thinking about ideas :D

beta, real life, bigbang2011, writing, help, randomness, prompts, reading, gandalf

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