
May 09, 2011 16:20

Hey everyone :D

How are you all today? I hope the weather where all of you are is as nice as it is here today. (Except that I just looked out of the window and there are black clouds in the sky - it's going to pour down again!)

So, the big bang reveals have been posted and I'm pleased to tell you that the artist I'm working with is tinkabell007 . I'm looking ( Read more... )

beta, real life, bigbang2011, writing, help, randomness, prompts, reading, gandalf

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Comments 10

inanna_maat May 9 2011, 17:57:03 UTC
tinkabell is GOOD!!!! Enjoy the experience!! xD


theron09 May 9 2011, 18:12:36 UTC
I'm sure I will :) And the same to you! Looking forward to seeing your art.


inanna_maat May 9 2011, 18:14:25 UTC
yay!!! I have to work in two fics!!! ah, I´m so excited...


theron09 May 9 2011, 18:33:16 UTC
Two sounds like fun!!


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theron09 May 9 2011, 18:33:40 UTC
Haha, yep :) Just need to find a beta now.


trollmela May 9 2011, 20:40:20 UTC
Well, the weather was probably a lot better here: the sun was shining and it was pretty warm but I didn't notice a lot because I spent the whole day in school ): Except the French teacher let us go half an hour early, which was nice.

I know how it is when you can't say no. But it sounds like it's an interesting project so I'm sure you'll have fun.

You're doing better with revision than I...

It's a shame the LotR fanfiction community isn't as good anymore as it once was. But perhaps if you're interested you can read some of the older gems ;)

I'm tempted to give you a prompt. I don't have one yet but I'm sure I'll think of something :D


theron09 May 9 2011, 20:54:15 UTC
The sun was out for most of the day here but then the thunder started at about 4.

Hmmm, revision is going...okay. Not brilliantly but not badly, either.

Yeah, I'll definitely be interested in reading some :)

Haha, I'm sure you will :D

(I just got Skipping, by the way. I'll get it back to you as soon as I can.)


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theron09 May 10 2011, 09:14:27 UTC
Yeah, I don't mind the storms as long as I'm indoors! It's just very changeable here at the moment. Haha, I suppose we had the summery weather over the Easter hols so we can't really complain :)

Haha, yeah. Now that I've started writing them in my fics, I can't seem to stop!


taintedangel80 May 10 2011, 04:35:17 UTC
Just want to tell you that Martina is an excellent artist! And she is such a sweet person too! She has been on my flist for forever it seems, and I have met her at several cons! Good luck working with her! :0)


theron09 May 10 2011, 09:15:22 UTC
Thanks for telling me that - everyone I've spoken to has said pretty much the same and I'm really enjoying working with her so far :)


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