
May 08, 2011 12:53

Hey guys :) I'm in the mood for another bullet post.
  • Happy Birthday to xbreakyourheart ! Bb, you're my oldest fandom/online friend and I'm so glad that we've stayed in contact for all of this time (it's got to be about five years now, right?) I hope you have a fantastic day *hugs*
  • Despite having Friday off as well as the weekend, I've still left my history essay to ( Read more... )

cakes, friends, exams, real life, bigbang2011, challenges, procrastination, gandalf, history, birthday wishes

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Comments 21

si_star_x May 8 2011, 12:12:51 UTC
I like the bullet's, they are very clean and organised. :-) I'm just at work on my lunch break... Sunday is always such a slow and boring day! I'm glad you got claimed for your big bang, it sounds like fun and maybe next year I will sign up (I think I joined LJ after the sign-ups anyway!)


theron09 May 8 2011, 12:16:32 UTC
Haha, that's why I like the bullets, too :)

When do you finish work for the day? Hope you haven't got much mure boredom ahead of you!

Thanks - it's been really fun so far and I'd definitely recommend signing up next time, I know I will be :D


si_star_x May 8 2011, 12:21:52 UTC
I work 'til 5:10PM ;-) It's not too bad, in fact it's really easy and the day isn't usually stressful. But it seems second nature to still complain about being here. We have our AGM tomorrow night, basically a big free party with drinks and food and apparently 300 krispy cream doughnuts! The theme is 'at the races' so it's all dresses and hats and whatever the men decide to go with. I have a dress from a wedding a couple of years back and a big blue/green bow for my hair. It will be fun. Any excuse for a party!


theron09 May 8 2011, 12:24:34 UTC
Ah, that's not too bad, then. Only a few more hours to go!

The party sounds like it'll be fun! I was in town yesterday looking for shoes to go with my dress for our Leavers Ball in June :D


screamoutloud May 8 2011, 12:22:49 UTC
Can't wait for the pictures of you're birthday, also looking forward to you're fic :)


theron09 May 8 2011, 12:25:07 UTC
I'll be posting the photos sometime later today :)

I hope you'll like the fic!


kros_21 May 8 2011, 13:53:00 UTC
I claimed my fic and I am really exicted about it! :)

I can't wait to read your full summary hun. I think that since the claim is done you can post it?



theron09 May 8 2011, 14:58:51 UTC
Yay. I'm pleased for you! Can't wait to see who you're working with and your art :)

Yeah, I think it'll probably be okay to post it. I'll wait until the reveal has gone up and then do it :)



canyon_deye May 8 2011, 14:31:28 UTC
Good luck with finishing the essay. :-)

And yay for getting BB claimed! I don't know anything about that really but I've definitely seen summaries around people's journals before the posting dates. So I'm guessing that would be okay.


theron09 May 8 2011, 14:59:56 UTC
Haha, thanks :) It's going a little better now, although it's shorter than it should really be.

I know! I'm so excited about this BB :) Yeah, I think I saw summaries around last year, too. I'll post mine once the reveals have gone up, then.


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theron09 May 8 2011, 15:34:19 UTC
*huggles* You're very welcome! Are you doing anything special for today? Haha, if you're old then I am too - same age, remember! It is really cool :)

I love history, I really do, but the essays aren't always fun.

I'm so excited!

Haha, thanks - it's actually going a little bit better now.

Enjoy your day! <3


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theron09 May 8 2011, 16:05:05 UTC
Yeah, I do enjoy some of them - it is the ones more focused on weapons and stuff that aren't as enjoyable.

Awww, that's a shame, having to do homework. Try and take some time off to relax!


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