
May 08, 2011 12:53

Hey guys :) I'm in the mood for another bullet post.
  • Happy Birthday to xbreakyourheart ! Bb, you're my oldest fandom/online friend and I'm so glad that we've stayed in contact for all of this time (it's got to be about five years now, right?) I hope you have a fantastic day *hugs*
  • Despite having Friday off as well as the weekend, I've still left my history essay to write until today. It's not due in until Thursday but my revision officially starts tomorrow so I want to get it out of the way before then. The problem is, I haven't actually had to write an essay in ages and it's taking me a while to get back into the swing of it. Plus, we haven't been taught half of the topic that we're writing about because of the teacher problems. I'm at 425 words at the moment, going to just have to persevere and do the best I can. If I have to hand in an awful essay, then that's what I'll have to do.
  • My big bang got claimed (as has everyone elses.) I know we're supposed to wait for the reveals for people to find out who is working with who but what's the norm for showing summaries? Are we allowed to post them on our journals or do we wait until our posting dates?
  • I'm nearing the end of 'The Fellowship of the Ring' now. I usually read faster than this but I'm hardly getting any time to read either than or fanfic at the moment. I'm enjoying it so far, can't believe it's taken me this long to start reading the books.
  • Can you tell I'm totally writing this post instead of writing my essay?
  • I just realised that I still haven't posted the photos of my cake. I promise I'll do it later, as well as posting a few more photos from my birthday.
  • I'm hoping to have another fic posted soon. It's a fic that was inspired by a prompt by morgentau and let's just say it involves Jared and Jensen playing guitar. I've already started writing it, just need to finish now :) But really, I need to finish the essay first.

cakes, friends, exams, real life, bigbang2011, challenges, procrastination, gandalf, history, birthday wishes

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