Green Room - Week 38 - Day 3

Feb 19, 2015 11:31

We had a training session this morning about the dangers of misuse of personal identifiable information and compliance with European standards. In listing "previous problems: that they had before the implementation of this law: The Nazis ( Read more... )

green room, week 38, season 9, day 03

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Comments 45

ryl February 19 2015, 16:56:13 UTC
That's hilarious. Darn those Nazis sharing other people's personal information!

ETA: Oh my god, did I just get a first? I do believe I did! *basks in the first*


clauderainsrm February 19 2015, 17:26:56 UTC
You did! Congratulations!

Although these days, posting before 1pm is almost a guarantee to get first!


ryl February 19 2015, 18:20:49 UTC
I'm taking it as a reward for getting to a negotiable stopping point on the story I've been beating my head against for three weeks.


clauderainsrm February 19 2015, 19:38:18 UTC
Congratulations on getting to a stopping point.

Looks like we've come to a stopping point for Green Rooms as well. :)


anyonesghost February 19 2015, 19:58:03 UTC
Well, c'mon. When you start a Green Room by running into the brick wall of Godwin's Law, there's nowhere else to go. ;-) Cut us some slack! (The onlookers, I mean. Please continue to torture the current contestants with reckless abandon, so that my Schadenfreude levels can escalate over 5000.)


clauderainsrm February 19 2015, 20:13:33 UTC
I put up a post - no one comments.

I mention that I might not put up any more posts - and suddenly people show up. ;)


anyonesghost February 19 2015, 20:49:51 UTC
Nah, my post was independent of that. I make no apologies for slow commenting; as someone living in the godless frozen north™, it's hard to reach a keyboard through the snow dunes.


lrig_rorrim February 19 2015, 22:16:00 UTC
We haven't got the snow dunes here in the upper midwest so much, but it's freakin' cold. It'll be a balmy -7 fahrenheit tonight - which makes going anywhere pretty unattractive.


jexia February 19 2015, 21:47:05 UTC
"the last of the "dreaded topics""

^ happiest phrase EVAH.


anyonesghost February 23 2015, 03:49:32 UTC
I'll call it now: Hell Week will be writing all six of them ... again.


jexia February 23 2015, 04:06:28 UTC intersections...


kickthehobbit February 19 2015, 22:42:34 UTC
...after three straight days of panicking (because, oh God champions, I am so bad at the ask, I don't know anyone outside of Idol who writes and I keep my lj VERY SEPARATE from my Real Life for a bunch of reasons, mostly including crazy family that will threaten to disown me Yet Again)-it's done and it's posted and if fodschwazzle and his wife are ever in Oregon I'm buying them both a beer.

I can happily say that I didn't give a damn about which topic I had to pick. I had ideas for the final one I had remaining (since I did the hard ones first). It was actually finding someone to serve as a champion that almost killed me. I had a panic attack the night the guidelines went up-first time in years-and didn't formally start writing anything until yesterday which point I wrote about 6K words, which is a horrifying new record, even for me.

fod and lrig_rorrim calmed me down some, and gratefuladdict provided levity, as always, but I have to say ( ... )


crisp_sobriety February 19 2015, 22:52:10 UTC
*hugs* I'm sorry.

I wasn't happy about the champion idea either, for a lot of the same reasons (I'm something of a hermit). I'm glad you managed to get it sorted. :)


kickthehobbit February 19 2015, 22:55:43 UTC
Yeah. I finally just sucked it up and went, "I don't know anyone who would be an 'ideal' champion for Gary without bringing in people I know IRL, and I'm not comfortable with I'm going to go ahead, ask someone I wanted to write with but didn't get the chance to, and hope that they say yes and don't think I'm weird."

...fodschwazzle said yes. Not so sure about the "weird" thing. :)

I guess I should clarify the "people I know irl" and explain.

Outside of my partner/roommate, everyone that knows I have an lj is someone I met on the internet. I lead pretty separate professional/personal lives, for a bunch of reasons-I'm queer and it's actually sort of a Big Deal for what I do, unfortunately; ditto the "having a mental illness" thing-and I have been burned, very badly, by my family finding my journal. These days it's an "open secret", but I still prefer maintaining that level of division, and I didn't want to ask anyone that didn't already know about my journal...thus limiting the pool.

Being closeted, even partially, sucks, y'all.


anyonesghost February 20 2015, 14:53:20 UTC
This makes perfect sense to me. I keep "the_lettersea" pretty distinct from my real life (different specifics, same principle), and my friends list is sparse in terms of non-Idollers at this point. Finding someone new (that I trusted (who would write well (at speed (and was willing to try Idol)))) would have taken some doing. I think I well would have done the same thing, in your shoes.


jexia February 20 2015, 02:15:53 UTC
Phew - glad I'm not the only one whose champion did a topic from the list!


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