Results - Week 28

Jul 31, 2020 22:03

It came down to 1 vote.

You didn't see it. But it's true.

A single vote decided the outcome of this week, and changed history.

We all know that bleodswean threw herself on the sword. Which is tragic. There is a part of me that understands it, and another part that honestly thought that this could be her season to win ( Read more... )

eliminations, week 28, season 11

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Comments 13

viagra August 1 2020, 02:20:53 UTC
"What might have been a head to head match to the finish," absolutely 100%. I was waiting to see what would happen, and if immunity might make a difference at all. I don't know what to say. I honestly couldn't imagine anyone going, and this result is just as upsetting as any other would be.


karmasoup August 1 2020, 02:34:08 UTC
I'm also sorry to be losing anyone, though only one of us is going to make it all the way to the end, so it's just going to keep getting harder for everyone here, as we continue. Grateful to the jury for the nod of kindness and respect, though I must admit I'm a little disappointed to be losing the potential safety net for the future. (Only 3 remain to be given away! - *bites nails* ) I do hope the blow for Marla was somewhat softened by having that previous win under her belt. <3


kittenboo August 1 2020, 03:02:00 UTC
I hadn’t thought of that, only 3 immunities left and only 3 people left who haven’t been granted one yet.


karmasoup August 1 2020, 03:21:07 UTC
To be fair, I have no idea how many immunities remain to be given out... I've never been this far, so honestly, I'm surprised they haven't stopped already, as I wouldn't think they would carry all the way to the end... I would imagine no one wants to win because someone else who would have gone out got immunity, but I imagine he's got a process that makes it feel appropriate for everyone. But, mainly, I was saying, I'm not trying to speak out of turn about how many are left... I don't have a clue as to that, unless he already said and I missed it. I just know there are only 3 people left who can receive it now, and that's what I meant, so I may have said it wrong. ;-)


kittenboo August 1 2020, 03:29:40 UTC
Ah okay! I thought you caught something I had missed about far immunities will come into play. Last I remember him saying is that they will continue until everyone left has gotten immunity. But I’m not sure if he meant that literally.


rayaso August 1 2020, 02:59:15 UTC
At this stage, all the losses are so sad -- to be losing such great writers is just wrong. I have enjoyed both of your entries so much and for so long. I hope you both return for any future Idol.


kittenboo August 1 2020, 03:04:15 UTC
It’s just going to be devastating every week from here on out isn’t it?


halfshellvenus August 1 2020, 03:09:45 UTC
These last several weeks have probably torpedoed a lot of your (Gary's) thoughts about who the finalists might be. Me and me_sonrei (the mini-season's co-winners) last week and the week before, and now bleodswean (a previous finalist and always a strong writer) and marlawentmad!

Are your thoughts cursing people?!?

I was very sad that bleodswean sacrified, and I'm sorry to lose Marla as well. I really appreciate all Marla has brought us this season--including a strict adherence to writing poetry, and writing it so incredibly well. That is how it's done!


viagra August 1 2020, 09:21:24 UTC
It really is anyone's game at this point, isn't it? Which is both exciting and nerve-wracking. I've had my own ideas about the top 3 a few times but they seem to be ever-shifting.


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