Results - Week 26

Jul 14, 2020 08:06

I like to give people proper time to thank the Gatekeepers more... )

week 26, eliminations, season 11, gatekeepers

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Comments 96

clauderainsrm July 14 2020, 13:05:50 UTC
Just reminding people that if you want the comments from the Gatekeepers, email me.

Not everyone has them, or more than a couple lines. But a couple of them (including Erik) did have some notes. I can also tell you if you were David Dondero's "favorite" and "second favorite" (those were the only real notes he gave... and who got a few "LOVE (fill in the blank)" comments. :)


d0gs July 14 2020, 13:26:52 UTC
does this apply to everyone or just the ones saved by gatekeepers? thank you!


clauderainsrm July 14 2020, 13:35:19 UTC
It applies to everyone. Everyone received multiple votes from the Gatekeepers. Not everyone ended up with a lot of feedback (since most of it was "I Liked this", but where there is extra feedback that I've been authorized to share, I will share it.


d0gs July 14 2020, 14:58:12 UTC
thank you - just wanted to check as wasn't sure if everyone had received gatekeeper's votes!


me_sonrei July 14 2020, 13:22:39 UTC
I can't lie, I got the "You've been tagged in a post" email from LiveJournal, and I thought, "well, this is it, it's been a good run". I'm shocked, looking at who was eliminated, that that's not the case. This was one of the weeks I felt everyone brought their A game, and I honestly couldn't have told you who would be going home. I'm still shocked at the names on that list.

Thank you, gatekeepers, for giving me the opportunity to keep playing!


marlawentmad July 14 2020, 14:06:34 UTC
I had the same downbeat reaction to my notification, too! Congratulations on staying another round!


me_sonrei July 14 2020, 14:08:37 UTC
It was pretty easy to feel at peace because of how good the other entries were! :)

Thank you for the congrats -- and congrats to you, as well! We both made it!


roina_arwen July 14 2020, 14:02:34 UTC
Wow, that’s one heck of a cut! You’ve all done great, and welcome to the Jury!


d0gs July 14 2020, 15:00:13 UTC
thank you! <3


bleodswean July 14 2020, 14:31:29 UTC
That's a lot of sad goodbyes!

I've been especially enjoying alycewilson's heartfelt memory pieces this season! Each one has spoken to me and moved me and rendered memories of my own. It was a wonderful genre for her and a pitch-perfect fit. Thank you for sharing, A! One of my intersection partners, d0gs, has offered her unique brand of female horror as well as some autobio work and it was all wonderful! halfshellvenus is the Idolar who never ever quits, the energizer bunny who consistently entertains with her usually comedic and complicated entries, K, you KNOW what you're supposed to be doing with this newfound free time, now go do it!!! lyssa027 and xlovebecomesher both brought personable stories and writing to the season. I was tickled by how they championed for one another!

Take a very well-deserved rest and SEE YOU NEXT TIME!!!


d0gs July 14 2020, 14:59:34 UTC
One of my intersection partners, d0gs, has offered her unique brand of female horror as well as some autobio work and it was all wonderful! thank youuuu so much <3 my intersection week with you was my favorite week during this! I'm so glad you're going forward!


bleodswean July 14 2020, 15:58:35 UTC
*smooch* It was a highlight for me, too! I will find one of your creatures surfacing out of the depths of my thoughts more often than I like! LOL.


d0gs July 14 2020, 18:04:08 UTC
<3 <3 that makes me so happy; it was so lovely to write with you and it was a blast brainstorming with you!

I will find one of your creatures surfacing out of the depths of my thoughts more often than I like! LOL. ahhh this is the best compliment!! seriously, just made me grin so much. thank youuuu!! <3


d0gs July 14 2020, 15:03:15 UTC
I'm really sorry to see these writers go and totally did not expect any of them to go out yet D: I've voted for all of them more than once through this competition and halfshellvenus wrote one of my favorite entries I've read not just in this season but in lji, period.


halfshellvenus July 15 2020, 08:08:36 UTC
Aw, thank you so much! It was a risk--zany humor does not appeal to everyone--but that was the story that wanted to be written.

That's kind of been the deciding factor all season. ;)


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