Results - Week 26

Jul 14, 2020 08:06

I like to give people proper time to thank the Gatekeepers

I find that when I don't, everyone rushes to the results and on to the next thing, without taking that pause. Which is why when I noticed how late it was getting I decided to push the results until the morning. Well, that and wanting to keep my marriage intact. :D


But now that the time has passed, unfortunately, now it's time to say goodbye to some folks.

The only good part of this, is that because of how it was set up, I can to say HELLO to people first. 1 person was saved by the Jury. 5 were saved by the Gatekeepers and 2 were saved by their fellow Contestants. Some of these were actually very close on which group was going to save them. Which would have shifted the results. That final vote that came in this morning didn't impact the results, but rather further reinforced them. (if it had, I wouldn't have counted it. I just wanted to include her in the Gatekeepers)

The contestant saved by the Jury was rayaso - congratulations! (He was actually safe in all 3 categories. Had the Jury not given him immunity, that would have shifted things a little as well)

The 5 that were saved by Gatekeepers were:


and the 3 contestants saved by their fellow contestants were


Congratulations to our Top 9!

Which means that we are saying goodbye to 5 others. Which is rough. It's a huge blow. These have been tremendous contestants this season, and I thought for sure we'd be seeing them fight it out even longer. But they made it to the Top 10-14! Which is remarkable and well worth celebrating.

Thank you - and welcome to the Jury, where you will be helping to shape how the remainder of this competition will occur:


week 26, eliminations, season 11, gatekeepers

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