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Comments 21

kittenboo July 8 2020, 13:47:35 UTC
Absolutely it is worth celebrating! It’s a great accomplishment to get that many people in this day and age to sit down and write something!

Also alts??? Are people writing from two accounts? Doing twice the writing? If so I commend them, I don’t think I could do that.


clauderainsrm July 8 2020, 19:19:48 UTC
Yeah, there are always a few people who want to try something different with a new alt. Honestly, it's rarely worked for very long. It HAS had some success stories, but not many. That's a lot of writing.


pixiebelle July 8 2020, 14:09:37 UTC
I do miss the old LJ, and of course, having hundreds of faces in Idol was exciting. But I also like the coziness of a smaller season. Maybe that’s selfish of me, but I think there’s something special about the smaller seasons. You get to read everyone much easier. People are less likely to be overlooked, so newbies can make a name for themselves earlier on. Plus there’s less drama, less bullying. In the past, I said I was done playing Idol, but I’m glad I came back - and if there’s a future season, I’ll be back. This was just not the year for me to play with so much going on.

So I see it as a success. Bigger doesn’t always mean better. Quality over quantity, and I feel like the people who did show up this season were top notch. The quality of writing I saw from early on was what I usually expect to see in the top 20 or so. It made it hard not to vote for everyone at times.


roina_arwen July 8 2020, 16:46:57 UTC
Yes! Exactly this. I’ve been in seasons with twice as many competitors, and it’s overwhelming. I think starting with 100-150 is perfect. Maybe at first you miss some entries, but by and large I read as many as I can every week, and having a smaller group helps to achieve that.


clauderainsrm July 8 2020, 19:23:30 UTC
Being able to read everyone, every week, is definitely an advantage.

Of course you still get a lot of people saying that they can't. :D


clauderainsrm July 8 2020, 19:22:18 UTC
My counterpoint to that is that you don't get as many newbies in smaller seasons. So you get tighter groups of veterans - which you get in both types. But when there are more people, the newbies are more likely to bond together. It's when you start seeing different groups emerge. (Which, of course, is also where you see those negative aspects you mention. )

I do agree though that there's been a high quality of writers this season.


alycewilson July 8 2020, 14:11:02 UTC
That's definitely worth celebrating. As far as social media is concerned, it's not just LJ having problems. In general, people don't blog any more as much as they did a decade ago. Most people have moved to Facebook or Twitter, which are very different platforms. Some people still write lengthy posts on FB, but now that I think about it, they're people that used to blog!


clauderainsrm July 8 2020, 19:24:20 UTC
It's true. Social media is definitely drifting rapidly from the long form expression - and creativity in general.


alycewilson July 8 2020, 19:27:31 UTC
I'd really like to bring it back. I'm especially tired of all the people cutting and pasting long political diatribes or misinformation without any idea who produced it and what their motivation was. I long for the days when people just talked about their own view of things.


rayaso July 8 2020, 14:50:57 UTC
I will worry for you and your family. Please let us know how it goes. And yes, it is absolutely worth celebrating Idol -- you have done a remarkable job over the years. Cookies and cake to you!


clauderainsrm July 8 2020, 20:08:36 UTC
Thanks. We are just watching and waiting right now. You may know what that feels like.


bleodswean July 8 2020, 15:36:53 UTC
I think you should ALWAYS be proud of your Idol baby, G! It has changed lives, crafted friendships, inspired amazing pieces of writing, and has always always been about creativity more than any other place I've been online.


clauderainsrm July 8 2020, 20:10:31 UTC
Thanks. It can be difficult to step back and see that. For me, that's another part of why I love the Gatekeeper rounds, even though it's a non-stop nervous fest for me. I get to introduce someone to what we are doing here. (Which also means that I then have to be nervous, hoping that they *like* what we are doing here!)


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