Vote - Week 26

Jul 07, 2020 21:20

This is the best week ever.


Because I am eliminating ALL OF YOU!

It's not the finale. But I'm getting rid of everybody.

But you still have hope. You CAN be saved.

Or rather, at least 9 of you can be saved. Season 1 of LJ Idol started with 9 contestants. It's only fitting that Season 11 should kick off the drive to the finish with 9 as well.

1 of you is going to be saved by the Jury.

3 of you are going to saved by Contestant Only voting. So if you are a current contestant, get your votes into me by Monday, July 13th at 8pm EDT.

5 of you are going to be saved by THE GATEKEEPERS.

Yes, this is also a Gatekeeper round.

For those who have never experienced this before - every season I hand select a group of judges to read the entries and vote for their favorites. Some are former contestants. Some have never even heard of LJ Idol until I asked them to be judges, which means that this is their very first exposure to your work. With them - your first impression is going to be what is going to save you/doom you to eternal damnation. (I assume that's where the Jury is located, somewhere with a nice amount of eternal damnation)

This should be fun! Or torture. One of those things is going to be happening.

week 26, voting, season 11

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