Jun 15, 2020 21:38
A few words from Gary:
What is the nature of humanity? Is there a basic morality in the fiber of our beings, or is it a drift ever toward chaos, held in check only by an agreed upon shared system? What is the basic nature of…
Oh sorry, I forgot that this is the poll for Week 24.
There is no morality here.
There are only 18 contestants, writing in pairs, using 2 topics as their creative springboards.
When this poll closes, there will be 15 contestants.
The totals for each pair will be added together. The pair with the lowest combined votes will be eliminated.
Once that is determined, the contestant remaining with the fewest votes will also be eliminated.
The poll closes Thursday, June 18th at 9pm EDT so make sure to read, comment and vote for your favorites! Then tell your friends to come check out all the great stuff they are missing!
Poll Week 24
week 24,
season 11