Green Room - Week 17 - Weekend Edition

Mar 28, 2020 12:51

It's the weekend, or so they tell me ( Read more... )

weekend edition, week 17, green room, season 11

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Comments 15

roina_arwen March 28 2020, 16:59:14 UTC
Something good: I have a warm cat on my lap, TP in the bathrooms, food in the fridge and freezer, and hubby (who works for a local hotel) still has a job by dint of being able to work in more than one aspect of the business. Overall, I can’t complain too much.


pixiebelle March 28 2020, 17:57:38 UTC
My mom lives in Missouri, and while they aren’t hit as hard yet, they’re already putting restrictions in place in their small town.

Some good news: i was worried about getting my prescription since I’m stuck in France. But the pharmacies here are so awesome. They have more authority than the ones in the US - and I was able to get it without a prescription since I had the bottle with me.

Yeah, things are pretty boring here, sorry 😂


rayaso March 28 2020, 18:10:36 UTC
I guess our good news is the absence of bad news. It's a pretty low bar, but these days it's enough.


ryl March 28 2020, 18:41:43 UTC
We have a lot of part-time residents who travel between NC and FL each year. I'm hoping that they all stay in FL over the summer. Local news reports that all of the hospitals in WNC only have 113 ventilators among them.

Good news is I've gotten a new irk desk and a corner cleaned out to put it in. I also have an appointment for the broadband people to come out next Friday to upgrade us to 21st century internet. Week after next I'll be working from home--if the IT guy ever wanders by my desk to install the Jabber softphone. I know he's in the building. I see him every day. He hasn't seen me yet. I may need to work on my lasso skills.


dadi March 28 2020, 19:09:45 UTC
My husband and I finally finished installing our new kitchen... one HELL of a job, as we had not planned on doing everything ourselves, just the plumbing work (he is a plumber) and some of the assembling, but we had counted on help from electricians and carpenters... well, not happening, cause, quarantine. So, we improvised and worked like crazy and are exhausted like whoa, but it came out SO beautiful! I haven't had a single boring moment yet since I had to go on forced vacation from work 10 days ago!


tonithegreat March 28 2020, 20:46:31 UTC
Wow! I envy you being on the other side of that! Someday I want to redo our floor and counters. It would be especially awesome to instal an area of tall woman countertop so I could work in there more ergonomically. But it’s all just daunting enough or expensive enough that I’ve never pulled the trigger.


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