Green Room - Week 16 - Day 8

Mar 18, 2020 12:28

There are two polls happening right now - so make sure that your voice is being heard: more... )

day 08, green room, week 16, season 11

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Comments 18

rayaso March 18 2020, 16:45:24 UTC
I was supposed to get groceries this week. Still working on that. People should quit panic buying. They're not going to close the grocery stores. People have to eat. Why are they hording bell peppers? Is there some doomsday prepper manual that says "stock up on bell peppers?" Or tangerines?


me_sonrei March 18 2020, 17:07:45 UTC
Bell peppers freeze well, and most citrus has a long shelf life (longer than bananas, etc) if stored right.

I think the hoarding is a definite problem, but I can understand why people do it.


rayaso March 18 2020, 17:51:14 UTC
I certainly understand why people are doing it, but I wish it would stop. Is it necessary or am I being naive?


me_sonrei March 19 2020, 17:43:29 UTC
Hoarding in the general sense is probably not necessary (no one is going to need a year's supply of toilet paper), but keeping two weeks of food on hand is not a bad idea. With how the virus is spreading, you want to limit exposure to other people (not just for your own safety, but in case you're an asymptomatic carrier). Stocking up on stuff that you commonly eat is a good plan.

The biggest reason that you'll want to stock up on stuff is in case you/your household ends up quarantined. If you're quarantined, you legally can't leave the house for (most) reasons. If you don't live in an area with robust grocery delivery, or you don't have friends/family who are willing to buy stuff for you and leave it on your porch, it can be difficult to get through quarantine.


pixiebelle March 18 2020, 16:55:36 UTC
Next week, I was supposed to be flying back to California. I was going to get my visa situated and start preparing cats to move to France. Then, in April, I was moving my niece and her two cats back to Missouri just in time to meet my other niece’s new baby - her first. Then I was to go back to California, pack up everything and move.

Obviously, that’s not happening.

I was so nervous booking the flight to move Megan - I thought something would come up so I couldn’t go (mostly roommate issues or not finding someone to watch my cats). Mostly because whenever I book a flight to visit, something goes wrong. One year, just after booking, I lost my job. Another time, my ex lost his. Always something.

But I didn’t expect anything like this.


roina_arwen March 18 2020, 17:06:03 UTC
We were supposed to go out for dinner tonight for hubby’s birthday, but instead we are eating at home. At least we are together and have more than enough food!


me_sonrei March 18 2020, 17:11:02 UTC
I didn't have any big plans. My fiance and I usually see our friends on the weekends, but that's obviously changed. Lots of staying home and not doing anything. I'm lucky enough that the project I'm on can be worked on from home, and his boss emailed everyone Sunday and said, "we're closing the office for now, don't worry, corporate is paying everyone regular hours for now", so we don't have to worry about money -- just boredom.


xo_kizzy_xo March 18 2020, 17:20:03 UTC
This is my "throwaway" vacation week as in "get rid of some time while we're dead". Little did anyone know all this chaos would explode back when I put in for it :insert somber chuckle: I had no real plans other than cleaning out a couple of closets and running around with the dogs. Instead I'm attempting to keep the anxiety at bay.


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