Vote - Week 16

Mar 17, 2020 22:44

A few words from Gary:

Since the last poll went up, I doubt anything all that interesting has happened in the world. Right? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Nothing much.

Well, actually things have been going on all over the world for a few months now. It’s just finally reached ‘Merica. Which is weird, because I specifically built a wall to keep it, and everyone else, out!

But since you have gotten through that wall - for now - I might as well post a poll and eliminate some of you!

How many? 3 contestants are going to Second Chance this week.

So make sure to read, comment and vote for your favorites to keep them in the running!

The poll will close Friday, March 20th at 9pm EDT

Let’s see who truly has “the luck of the Irish” in this St Patrick’s Day poll!

Good luck to everyone!

Poll Week 16

Second Chance

A few words from Gary:

Second Chance.
Those words are a beckon to all that choose to stay in the fight. There’s another shot at getting back into the main competition. In fact, they just saw a few of their own in a massive battle, winning their way back into the fray. So they know it can be accomplished. With the numbers dwindling, that chance might be around the corner…. Or maybe it’s not. The only person who knows isn’t telling. :)

So for now, it’s just fight or die every week, with a hope that they can make it back in for a shot at the crown.

For 3 contestants, that dream is about to come to an end this week.

Read. Comment. Vote for your favorites.
The poll closes Friday March 20th, at 9pm EDT

Good luck to everyone!

Poll Second Chance - Week 4

voting, second chance, week 4, week 16, season 11

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