Results - Week 26

Aug 04, 2017 21:44

There are some weeks where you look at the result a day or so out and kind of get the feeling you know what is going to happen. It's like that bus crash in slow motion, it's coming, but you can't stop it so everyone proceeds, frame by frame ( Read more... )

week 26, eliminations, season 10

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Comments 25

rayaso August 5 2017, 02:11:22 UTC
All good things are supposed to come to an end, and this was a very good thing. Making it to the Top 10 and the Spirit award make this an amazing season. I will, of course, keep reading and voting. Bribes will be considered, and I hope to see you all in Season 11.


messygorgeous August 5 2017, 02:14:38 UTC
I personally LOVED Goat Zero. You have been an incredible writer with an incredible spirit. I know this isn't the last we've seen of you!


rayaso August 5 2017, 02:27:34 UTC
Thank you! I had a lot of fun and read some amazing entries. I will return for yet another round.


penpusher August 5 2017, 02:46:42 UTC
The Comedian of LJ Idol, and brilliant writer. What else is there to say, except thanks for all the laughs!


bleodswean August 5 2017, 03:22:13 UTC
favoritebean, I've enjoyed your work this season. Your pieces have been long, heavy on story, and filled with fun characters. I really loved the time travel stories! You've been a great Idolar!

rayaso, you ARE the spirit of Season 10 and deservedly so!! Your entries have been filled with heart! Your dedication to your own entries but also to those of your competitors has been nothing short of admirable and uplifting! The one thing that has been of the most value, to me personally this season, has been your seemingly endless desire to make people laugh. Smile. Chortle. Snicker. And be emotionally moved. That's an absolutely amazing and astonishing gift that you give. I look forward to your entries because I know they are going to combine heartfelt humour with wickedly intelligent witticism. Your work is an utter joy to read. I think I will remember your little "cowboy" for all of my days. Thank you for sharing that character with all of us. I'm so sorry to see you leaving. Yes, yes, here's to Season 11!!!! Bravo, sir, bravo!!!


rayaso August 5 2017, 03:43:14 UTC
Thank you, many times over! I loved your writing, and I'm glad I'll be able to read it to the end. I always wished I could write more serious entries, but my brain just doesn't work that way, I guess. Time to recharge for Season 11!


favoritebean August 5 2017, 06:52:38 UTC
Thank you so much. It's been a fun season, and getting to play with the concept of time travel was on my bucket list.


favoritebean August 5 2017, 03:25:06 UTC
Whew! Making it to the top ten with such a fantastic group of writers was more than I could ask for. Thank you everyone who commented over this season, and offered support. Going out with one of my favorite Idol writers this season, rayaso is more than I could have wished for.

Thanks for sticking with me as I tied up a few loose ends story-wise. There were a couple of characters that really wanted their voices heard, so thanks for giving them a listen/read.

Truth be told, it's been pretty busy since July 21st, but for those of you who are local to Southern California, please feel free to come visit. I'm going to be in my first opera as a non pit musician, and we open in September. Between that, regular performing gigs, students, and parenting a now second grader, my online presence will diminish.

Still, I'll be cheering for each of you here. Feel free to keep in touch. I love making friends.


eternal_ot August 5 2017, 06:51:24 UTC
I really enjoyed your sci-fic and time travel tales. I esp loved the terrarium story.I hope you continue the story that you started this season and we get to read it sometime.

Wow! First opera sounds cool :) All the best for that. Cheers for reaching the top ten.


halfshellvenus August 8 2017, 22:49:22 UTC
I enjoyed your entries this season, especially your historical fiction and your outer space story. And the Orange Thing game show!

It seemed like you stretched into some new genres, with the Sci-Fi and the crack, and did so successfully! The crack story was an utter delight.

Congratulations on the opera as well-- that has to be incredibly exciting. :)


anonymous August 5 2017, 04:57:59 UTC
Login button seems to not be working for me at the moment. Weird.

Anyway, sorry to see you both go!

And you're right, we've lost our spirit! I assume this means we will spend the remaining weeks mired in despair.

- hwango


rayaso August 5 2017, 12:55:05 UTC
Thank you! No despair here, and you have a new topic to tackle.


murielle August 5 2017, 04:59:48 UTC
Congratulations to joydivided on a well deserved immunity.

I'm so sad to see favoritebean leave us. So, so sad. Hugs

I'm utterly gobsmacked that rayaso is leaving us this week. Gobsmacked and really sad.

I look forward to being on the jury with both favoritebean and rayaso. Hugs for both of you--great writers!


favoritebean August 5 2017, 06:53:47 UTC


rayaso August 5 2017, 12:57:09 UTC
Thank you! The plus side is that we get serve on the Jury together and wreak havoc in the results, and then come back and do it all again for Season 11!


j0ydivided August 7 2017, 18:09:50 UTC
Thank you -- I'm stunned to have won it.


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