New Story! Choose Instead to Dwell in My Disasters (NCIS, gen, PG)

Jul 15, 2010 10:13

For arsenicjade. Happy birthday, my dear.

Title: Choose Instead to Dwell in My Disasters
Author: Pouncer
Fandom: NCISRating: PG ( Read more... )

fanfiction, gibbs road show

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Comments 13

arsenicjade July 16 2010, 06:47:51 UTC
This is...unfuckingbelievable, quite honestly. I mean, nobody can write a story about Washington in the same way that I think you can, but you KNOW how much I love Ziva struggling with Israeli v. American identity, and this speaks so much to the way that moving, anywhere is a culture shock, but even more so when there are other difficulties to overcome. OMG, Pounce. AMAZING.


thepouncer July 19 2010, 16:51:20 UTC

She's such an incredible character, and that struggle to define who she is and what she wants to represent calls to me like crazy. I am so glad you liked this!


grey_bard July 16 2010, 09:21:40 UTC
*Amazing* Ziva fic. The fic I didn't even know I wanted until I read it.


thepouncer July 19 2010, 18:44:11 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad to know you enjoyed it.


harborshore July 16 2010, 15:24:51 UTC
I love Shiva. I love Shiva a lot. And I love this.


thepouncer July 19 2010, 19:12:34 UTC
She's always fascinated me. I'm so glad you liked it!


dessieoctavia July 16 2010, 20:29:22 UTC


thepouncer July 19 2010, 19:31:07 UTC
Thank you!


alidiabin July 17 2010, 05:10:45 UTC
Wow! That was spectacular. Wow.


thepouncer July 19 2010, 19:31:32 UTC
Thank you! I am sitting here wiggling in glee :)


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