Given that the undesputed champion of writing up fangirl consequences games,
elanorelle, was sadly missing from the fangirl picnic on saturday, I am here to write some up in her stead! (
wanttobeatree has the rest, which I will probs link to after she's written them up/posted them.)
Oh, also, I have the batch where we somehow all forgot location and then had to put it in later, but I'm switching the order back around, because I think that makes them easier to follow.
1. Ash met Alastair, in an abatoir. Ash said "I've probably had too much to drink." then Alastair said "Bite me", to which Ash snarked dismissively so Alastair punched him in the face and made a sandwich. As a result they were sent to an insane asylum.
2. Robert Wisdom ran into Sam Winchester while at Castiel's the premier strip club. "Dude, why does your cock look like that?" Robert asked, and Sam said "That seagull looks shifty." Then Robert Wisdom ate all the quiche and Sam winked suggestively. Afterwards they were married in a special ceremony on the London Eye.
3. Tessa met Genevieve in a branch of John Lewis. "Do you like... herons?" Tessa asked, and Genevieve replied "Yeah, but you got that rash last time and I don't wanna hear you bitch again." So instead Tessa got a prince Albert piercing and Genevieve laughed uproariously and unbuttoned her pants. As a consequence they never saw each other again.
4. Jensen and Bobby were in the motel car park. "I wish I knew how to quit you!" cried Jensen, Bobby responded "Your words arouse me but your face disgusts me." so they rubbed it till it stopped aching. Then Jensen fucked Bobby in the ass without lube and Bobby went off and met some fangirls. Eventually they both became dancing queens.
5. Barnes (
from The Real Ghostbusters) came across Patrick The Man Witch while they were up a tree. "What are you wearing?" asked Barnes, "It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion in the ocean" said the Man Witch. Then Barnes ripped open his shirt to reveal his superhero costume and Patrick ripped off his trousers to reveal a sequinned jockstrap. Afterwards they got it cleaned up, but there would always be a stain.
6. Uriel and
wanttobeatree were in a sleazy bar. "I didn't know you would feel like this." said Uriel, "I can't believe you've never mentioned this before!" said Tree. Then Uriel took his trousers off to reveal lacy pink knickers and Tree drank whiskey till she blacked out. As a result they decided to have an open marriage. Uriel also married a horse.
7. Dean Winchester and Patrick the hot Man Witch were both at a police station. Dean said "This thing is chafing like a bitch. Haven't we got any more lube?" but Patrick the hot Man Witch was busy musing "When will I will I be famous?" Dean shuddered and crossed himself and Patrick did his best to ignore it. Their babies were shockingly attractive.
8. Matt Cohen met Gwen in JDM's garden shed. Matt Cohen squeed "I'm your biggest fan!" "It hurts me when you say things like that." said Gwen. Matt tied Gwen up with rope but, when Gwen made epic sad face, they decided to just stay friends.
9. Rufus, as a dashing young hunter met Dean, in the Impala bakery. "I really like your musk," said Rufus. "You're coming on a bit strong there," said Dean. Rufus slapped Dean till he cried like a little bitch and then Dean spanked Rufus's ass with a spatula. Then one of them performed his own penectomy. (BUT LETS NOT THINK ABOUT THAT TOO HARD.)
10. Chad Michael Motherfucking Murray bumped into JDM in a bouncey castle. CMMFM said "Your tears taste of heaven." and JDM said "Have you tried drinking pee for therapeutic purposes?" Chad tried to escape while JDM broke out into peals of laughter. So they went to couples' therapy and bought a tandom bike.