I’m not saying I would have wanted the Trio to murder Xander...

Jul 23, 2021 09:51

A minor crosspost for my meta tag. This was in yesterday's Herald via tumblr.

Tumblr user girl4music made a post stating Tara's death was tragic but necessary as a catalyst for the Dark Willow arc.

I said this:

I’m not saying I would have wanted the Trio to murder Xander…

but I believe a lot of people’s main complaint is that the canon storyline kills off a rarely represented kind of character (a queer woman) just to drive another character’s arc. If, for instance, Tara and Xander were flipped, that part would be fixed, and there could still be big drama.

Willow loves Xander deeply, and I think the death of her oldest friend could work just as well as the death of her lover to push her where the writers wanted to push her.

If the Trio killed Xander, it would have a bit of a symbolically fun undertone too, because the Trio kind of represent Xander-gone-horribly-wrong, don’t they? (I’m definitely not the first person to point this out.) They’re nerdy guys with some sexist tendencies and insecurities and frustrations, like Xander at times. Warren would be killing the person that he could have been if he’d had a bit more empathy and willingness to learn.

And how cute would it be if Tara was the one to bring Willow back from the world-ending brink? The callback to the season 5 finale scene where Willow was the one to “find” Tara and bring her back from what Glory did to her would write itself (”I got so lost”/”I will always find you”, but Tara would get to return the favor!).

And girl4music had some additional thoughts about Tara's ability to handle Willow and Tara's and Xander's unconditional love for Willow.

ETA: valid objections from heterocosmica on Pillowfort.
This entry was originally posted at https://thenewbuzwuzz.dreamwidth.org/228846.html.

*buffyverse, creations: meta tag

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