> Unsuspecting Changes [ Kira | Open ]

Jul 15, 2009 00:21

[ nerys had been preparing to co-ordinate transporting officials from a federation runabout with doctor bashir, one had becoming injured on-route, whilst docking the runabout. the system had been playing up that morning, more so than before. if the cardassians were supposed to be helpful witht he federation they certainly weren't making things any damned easier ]

O'Brien, the damn systems down again. We need to get those officials aboard.

"I'm working on it Major. One of the subroutines keeps locking me out."

Get it sorted quickly.

[ kira huffed a little, trying to see what she could do with either the transport or docking. after reinitializing the starting procedure kira gave a quick nod after the update from o'brien ]

Ops to Medical. We're transporting now hopefully.

[ it was a couple of minutes before the doctor replied, acknowledging that the officials had been transported this time. now for the docking. nerys tapped at her console again, getting the docking clamps ready again for the runabout, this time there wasn't a systems malfunction ]

Kira to Docking Ring, are they there?

[ kira tried the comm again after no responce, giving another call to o'brien only to recieve nothing again. ]

Chief, if this is a joke this-

[ ops was no longer in nerys' vision anymore. the central hub had been replaced by what she'd normally call one of ds9's corridors, had it not been for the bodies crouched in the center, the rocks and dirt and tracks made in the path ]

No, this can't be. We liberated this camp two years ago?

Is that really what you think?

[ had the voice not been disconcerting the laugh following did. she turned, wanting to grab a phaser that she didn't have, defensive by nature ]

Gul Kamar... No. This isn't...

[ kira closed her eyes, trying to turn herself away from the images of the camp she'd once liberated, the gul she'd have killed had she had the chance ]

holmes: james t. kirk (2258.50), kerry: kira nerys (2371), * whale arc, [location] hallway, annie: odo (2372)

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