wooooo Australia Day and MUSIC.

Jan 25, 2012 18:26

Okay, so, probably no one is that interested in this but me, but today (in Australia) is not only Australia Day (party!), but triple j's Hottest 100 countdown for 2011. It's epic, it's streaming (there's a button at the top of that page), it starts in less than an hour, and it will last all day (down there). I'll be up listening to it until #1 is ( Read more... )

just me passing through, cultural spelunking, real life slices, australia day hottest 100, aussie music, musetastic: musicality, triple j!!!

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Comments 10

fleurlb January 26 2012, 06:09:34 UTC
Happy Australia Day!

Isn't the Internet magical? I love that I can listen go NPR in Ireland. And I know my parents appreciate the Skype. They're not happy that LB lives so far away but the Internet keeps them from being completely miserable.


themonkeytwin January 26 2012, 07:53:39 UTC
Happy Australia Day to you! :)

It is! My extended family get-together happens today, so my dad skyped me and I got handed around until everyone was bored of it. They were also taking the family photo while this was happening, so I'm in it, on the screen of his phone. :D


bitterlimetwist January 26 2012, 18:11:54 UTC

... )


themonkeytwin January 26 2012, 19:52:59 UTC

... )


datenshiblue January 26 2012, 18:24:53 UTC
That sounds like fun! :D

Too bad I didn't read this till today, but I love music events. I love good countdowns.

Belated happy holiday to you! :)


themonkeytwin January 26 2012, 20:04:27 UTC
Well, if you're still interested, they do a repeat of the countdown (minus all the hullaballoo) on Saturday afternoon, starting at 2 - which is Friday evening in the States. I'm too confused to work out the timezones, but I think that's 10pm EST. I think.

Alternatively, if you want to hear all the drunk partying people calling in and the accents and silliness, there is also a little box on the right hand side of the webpage entitled "Listen Back" which will give you the whole radio show in four parts for Flash or Windows Media, that you can listen to at your leisure. :)


datenshiblue January 26 2012, 22:16:17 UTC
Hee! I think the drunk partying would be fantastic. I'll check that out. :D



themonkeytwin January 27 2012, 01:47:13 UTC
Oh yes. Those are my peeps, for better or worse. :) Have fun!


jaydeyn_sitari January 27 2012, 09:17:51 UTC

Hee! I started listening before there were events and chocolate and barbeques and much tv watching and I didn't recognise a single song for ages. Note to self: listen to more radio, bloody hell.

Thanks for the listen back!

And if it's any consolation, it was horribly humid and muggy and rainy all day yesterday (and today, for that matter) in Brisbane. I want my sun back!



themonkeytwin January 27 2012, 12:20:40 UTC
I didn't recognise a single song for ages. Note to self: listen to more radio, bloody hell.

Right? Although I remember thinking somewhere around the 25-mark that it was a pretty solid year, actually. I liked a larger percentage than I usually do. Most of the time I'm just plain boggled by what everyone seems to like enough to vote in. Of course, #1 was no surprise this year.

it was horribly humid and muggy and rainy all day yesterday

Ha, I was listening to the weather reports during the countdown and thinking it sounded like a generally miserable day for a lot of the east coast. And then over here it's been so mild for the last week, it's almost English winter weather. *headtilt* Nothing makes sense any more.

Glad you had what sounds like a lovely Australia Day. (And congrats on the desk, too :))


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