but what does it all MEEEEEEN

Feb 27, 2011 20:19

Just to note, I hate how busy my Fridays and Saturdays tend to be. I miss all the SPN flurries around here. *sadface*

BUT I've finallly perused the few ep reactions on my flist, and rather than leave ridiculously long comments on their pages (blacklid and fannishliss, I'm looking at you. AND your comment replies, b. Why you stir up these thinky-thoughts, whyyy?), I ( Read more... )

musetastic: tv/episode, storyworks, show is not a beetle, the brothers winchester, unrepentantly opinionated

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Comments 14

blacklid February 28 2011, 03:06:16 UTC
Uhhhmmm. Are you saying that God = Story = Construct = Multiple Realities... wherein all characters, including angels, manipulate it as they see fit? Because yeah, I'd agree with that. Otherwise, I might have to read this a few more times.

I love the Brothers Bloom, too! *waves flag proudly*


themonkeytwin February 28 2011, 03:20:49 UTC
Roughly speaking, yeah, that's at least in shouting distance of what I'm saying. This meta, it eatses my brain and I never can find the time to do it justice....

And, oops. Wrong tag. Brothers Winchester, self! *facepalm* (fixed nao) Although, yep, LOVE that movie. What is it with brothers like that?

AND now I need an icon for them, too.


borgmama1of5 February 28 2011, 03:11:07 UTC
Your analysis of the trip to Heaven in DSotM is pretty compelling and I am certainly going to mull it over for a while!


themonkeytwin February 28 2011, 03:25:51 UTC
Mm, I like it a lot. It's Dean's story on display, really, so we're watching Dean most of the time, but watch Sam watch Dean's story and there's a whole new layer to it.

... I LOVE this Show....


bitterlimetwist February 28 2011, 21:37:04 UTC
*nodnodnod* Yes to all of this.

Soulflambé. To quote fakeMisha - rotflmao.


themonkeytwin March 1 2011, 19:37:58 UTC

While I did enjoy this, I confess I'm impatient about that. Waiting for that wall to come down (although it'll be ... interesting ... if they choose not to do that) is an anxious thing. Forget these guys' livers; how is it they don't have about a zillion ulcers?

FakeMisha - lol. Is it bad that I'm peversely glad they killed him? *shifty eyes*


bitterlimetwist March 2 2011, 01:09:38 UTC
"Waiting for that wall to come down ( ... )


themonkeytwin March 2 2011, 03:22:50 UTC
I'd feel a bit let down.Me too, and I don't think it's that likely. They haven't made a habit of laying in dire fates which they're not intending to use and explore (although I automatically assumed that Dean would be going to Hell as soon as the deal was made, and was a little surprised to learn that that was not originally the plan). But with this season, I really don't know what they will or will not do. I can't figure out what they think the story is, not yet anyway ( ... )


fannishliss February 28 2011, 22:57:06 UTC
okay, i've had some time now to mull and am ready to reply ( ... )


themonkeytwin March 1 2011, 20:28:56 UTC
important for an angel not to be cut off from the power of the Host

That seems likely, although doesn't explain Gabriel. Maybe it's different for archangels? And there are clearly illegitimate ways to access additional power (and not just by angels), which usually seems to involve blood. As far as Balti goes, I more got the impression that souls are currency, not angeljuice. He seems more wiley, more interested in trafficking and influence than raw power; kind of an angelic version of Bela.

Zack shows up with the horrible perversion of Mary... so it's clear to me that Zack has the power to manipulate Heaven... and likely he was doing so with Sam.

There's no question that he is capable of twisting things up there. My reservation is about how much (although that question is more tied to my question of how much an angel can "create"). He can change night to day and he can appropriate an actiondoll!Mary and reprogram her (keeping in mind also that the actiondoll!Mary already existed in Dean's heaven; he didn't have to create her). I'd ( ... )


fannishliss March 1 2011, 20:56:39 UTC
As for Gabriel, i really enjoyed the retcon of the trickster... but I like to think that he wasn't "pretending" to be a Trickster -- but actually *inhabiting* a Trickster like he would a vessel - and I guess the specific trickster turned out to be Loki -- and no way the other Norse Gods would have let their relative be impersonated, right? So I think Loki and Gabriel may have merged somewhat. That's my little head fanon. :) --see my Cas icon, since he was the one who first recognized that a "mere Trickster" shouldn't be so powerful, but was instead most probably an Angel, before he recognized that Angel to be Gabriel ( ... )


themonkeytwin March 1 2011, 21:50:09 UTC
I liked the retcon too. I guess it all depends on when you think Gabe left heaven; my own fanon on how that came about was that he went and found a young, burgeoning pantheon (Norse, in this case) and just included himself. The idea that gods are also vulnerable to possession is kind of a scary one. !

Depth of reality is definitely a key idea. But I always bottom out at the same question: how do you define reality, in that case? *brainhurt* Heaven is programmable? Clearly. "Reality" isn't?... Uh. Hmm. Reality is just a programmable construct with a physical interface for spiritual-entity user-members (souls et al)...? Death is the great unplugging? Angels are admin and God is owner?

Ditto on Dark City, btw. Never got around to seeing Inception. I haven't really been in the mood for it. Sometime, probably....


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