Some Things Are Meant to Be Series - Master Post

Jan 01, 2007 01:29

Verse Summary: Through MANY trials and tribulations, the boys discover something about themselves - and their destinies.

Tide Turning Endlessly  R, Sam/Dean
Sam's jealousy comes out and Dena's, obviously, not thrilled. But, it causes issues to come up that he'd tried too hard to bury.

All My Life, I've Lived For Loving You   R, Sam/Dean
After his fight with Sam, Dean tries to let off some steam and finds himself in a dangerous situation.

Let Me Go Now   NC-17, Sam/Dean
Dean makes a heavy decision that he may not be entirely ready for.

The Promise of Who You Are   NC-17, Sam/Dean, Sam/OMC
Sam is left to his own devices after Dean leaves - and finds out some very important information from a surprising source.
same timeline as Memories When I Am Far From You

Memories When I Am Far From You   NC-17, Sam/Dean, Dean/OFC, Dean/OMC
Dean is separated from Sam and left to wallow and worry. Along his way back, he finds out some information that could change his - and Sam's - life.
same timeline as The Promise of Who You Are

Sleep on Stardust   R, Sam/Dean, mention of all previous pairings
The boys are back together with new hurdles.

The Way It Takes Hold   PG-13, Sam/Dean
Sam has a vision that leads them up to Virginia, their father and a truth they still can't escape.

Far From the Shore  R  Sam/Dean, Dean/OMC (non-con)
The brothers return to North Dakota for a hunt and find far more than they're bargaining for.

More is coming soon! I promise! :)

some things are meant to be, master posts, spn fanfic

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