fuck comic movies. V for Velveeta!

Mar 16, 2006 22:02

I am torn about going to see V for Vendetta. but not for any political reasons, you see.

Alan Moore wrote this as a comic in the 80's. He got screwed out of the normal rights most writers get. See in most of the publishing world, you own your material.... DC only started to do this in the late 80's. At the time that "V" came out, Alan signed a similar contract, where he and DC co owned the rights..
DC would however relinquish its rights after the book had no longer been in print for 2 years or so.
So the book sold well, and has stayed in print for almost 20 years now. Which gives DC just cause to never renegotiate the terms under which they published "V".
Alan Moore disavows the movie, because of his issues with DC, the movie industry, and the fact that the Wachoski Brothers and producer Joel Silver have refused to appologize for making false statements that he was active and involved in the film.

From the creator rights angle, I cannot fathom lining these people's pockets.

But is the message greater?

Already there is a mumur among the consevative movement on how to approach and attack this movie. Why would they have a problem with it? This is the moral ideal of the true conservative right? Freedom loving people overthrowing a regime? This is why they defend the right to bear arms, correct? This is why the ultra neo con machine turns a blind eye to the second amendment shielded terrorists hiding out as "militias"... They support the ability for people to lead an armed revolt against a government if it is corrupt at thier core principles.

So why are they already saying this is a leftist movie, that promotes terrorism? Why are they saying it is "Anti American"?

Truth about V for Vendetta time:
V is not a "terrorist". He blows shit up. Just like our American soldiers! In the comic, V actually goes out of his way to only strike at the heart of the government power, not average people, not "civillians". The word "terrorist" has been so hijacked and mislabeled to this movie.

V for Vendetta is a science fiction work, about an alternate reality future! To me this makes the point more muted, I want the movie to act more like "this could really happen" but a facts a fact. The comic was a reply to the tightening of controls of Thatcher's conservatives. Still it was a work of fiction, not a call to arms, entertainment that also worked on your logical brain and picked it and played with it. That is all.

So what do I think?

It is Star Wars Episode 3 all over again.
Remember how some of these Neo Con windbags wanted people to not see Star Wars, cause they said George Lucas was making an anti Bush statement?

They looked like fools for doing it, but what it really gets at, is the fact that they KNOW they look like the evil empire! Come on, you can't be offended by something unless you think it is talking about you. Otherwise you would just go "oh thats just a movie".
Black people get offended by negative portrayls of black people... not by Ewoks. Christians get offended by being shown as only closed minded biggots... not by Wookiees.

So who do you think you are if you get offended by fictional Naziesque representations? No one said it was you, did they? No but you see yourself in there somewhere....

China, North Korea, and so many other tyrant regimes bans movies that feature freedom fighters, like V, like Luke Skywalker, like John Wayne, like Rambo, cause they know they are the evil empire that is to be fought against.

And to me, this makes them even scarier, cause they know what they are, and they don't want anyone to see it.

So I probably will go to see V for Vendetta just because...

THEY don't want me to.
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