Chapter One ~ Sidequest

Jul 05, 2012 16:25

Choose one of the four palettes below. At least one color from your chosen palette must be used/visible/predominant in your icons. You may use colors other than the ones in the chosen pallette.

This time you won't tell in which classes your points will be allotted: they'll be determined by the pallete you choose. Even so, all icons within each palette must still be catered towards their own class specifications (i.e. all icons within the Rogue palette must be "simple").

specialize in coloring (not necessarily extremely colorful or vibrant, but
coloring as the element that pulls it apart from others) as their focal point

specialize in complexity/composition as the main feature of their icons

specialize in text and emotional/inspirational aspects as huge elements of their icons

specialize in simpler-looking icons
(crop as a main feature, negative space, not many visible textures)

» MIN: 5 icons → 10 pts [Details]
You can choose to meet the minimum by A) choosing a single color and making 5 icons from it , B) iconning all 5 colors from one palette (earns you 10 bonus pts), C) choosing a color from each palette (earns you pts for each/every class, but no bonus), or D) picking and choosing what to earn where (earns you pts for your desired classes).

» MAX: 10 icons → 20 pts
» BONUS: 10 pts - Make at least one icon from each color in your chosen palette(s).

» REQUISITES: None, open for all.
» This challenge DOES NOT close.
» You can complete this challenge up to 5 times for points.
» Reply this post with your results or linking to a post containing them. If you choose not to submit your icons directly in a comment and instead have them at their own post, you still MUST COMMENT HERE with a link to the post. Posting only at iq_thefair is not enough, your entry might be missed.
» Not sure where your icons fit? Consult The Fortune Teller
» Fill out the form to allot your points properly. (Ex1, Ex2)
Please fill out entirely.
Classes fulfilled?: (list # of icons)
[#] Hero (Power)
[#] Wizard (Magic)
[#] Bard (Charm)
[#] Rogue (Agility)
Bonus? [Y/N] (+10pts)
Total points earned? (list points distribution)
** delete this example 4pts Power + 2pts Wizard + 4pts Bard + 5pts Bonus = 15 pts **

ICONS: (delete areas regarding classes you didn't fill)




Link (to a post with the icons, note that classes to which the icons belong must be clear. above form must still be filled out.)

* It is a fantasy themed quest, but you are not restricted to only fantasy themed shows, movies, etc.

sidequest, chapter: one, ~challenge, first chronicle

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