THE ICON QUEST - More about classes

Jul 05, 2012 14:02

Your Liege has come to the conclusion that all of this information regarding classes and attributes and the like can be a bit overwhelming and confusing. Your Liege is nothing if not understanding ;) With that in mind, this post was made in addition to the examples provided at the information post. Below you will find many many gorgeous icons broken down into respective classes. Here is the thing though, a lot of class definitions can be subjective. It is given that when you make an icon it can very well fit into more than one class. To prove my point, the majority of the icons below fall into many classes, as you will see if you hover over any of the icons. You will also notice a further explanation of the Bard class and how Charm points can and cannot be obtained.

[POWER] Heroes make a statement.
specialize in coloring (not necessarily extremely colorful or vibrant, but rather coloring as the element that pulls it apart from the others) as the focal point of their icons.

[MAGIC] Wizards do complex magic.
specialize in complexity/composition as the main feature of their icons.

[CHARM] Bards tell a story.
specialize in text and emotional/inspirational aspects* as huge elements of their icons. [?]* If you are working on a batch where you are aiming for 100% Charm points, at this point you may include a few icons (25% of icons) that are textless so long as the icon tells a story through an emotional stand point. If however you are mixing and matching your batch with other classes, all your bard icons are expected to include text.

[AGILITY] Rogues are subtle and fatal.
specialize in simple-looking icons (crop as a main feature, negative space, not many visible textures).

In the end it is up to you as to where you would like to allot the points you earn. You yourself know your skill the best, and what may very well be a Rogue icon to you could be a Wizard icon to someone else because their definition of complexity is different. Keep in mind that while the Quest is about fun and earning points, it is also very much a learning experience for you as an icon maker. In an ideal world every batch you make for every chapter will be "better" or at the very least consistent with your last chapter. If you are questioned about where you are requisting to place your points, it is not meant as a scolding and your head will not be any chopping block, it is simply to confirm that we are on the same page.

Should you still have any questions whatsoever about where your icon would be best suited, please take a moment to visit my dear and long time friend across the castle grounds, The Fortune Teller...


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