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Comments 29

just_jane_doe October 2 2011, 18:32:10 UTC
Oh, Dom... you dimwit. Good riddance to bad rubbish, is what I say, though I do hope Dom realizes what he's done.

And Eames... such a delight, as always - the ying to Arthur's yang. Together, no one can touch them...

Also - still very much loving Yusuf and Ariadne and also Rex the Wonder Dog. So glad he's safe and well -- cannot wait for more of this!


hungerpunch October 2 2011, 23:19:13 UTC
i think that dom was probably just as upset as arthur, but he left for a new place & a new life and so that was his way of coping. arthur had no where to go with it, so he got depressed, and i think dom didn't anticipate that. he's kind of a dimwit, but he didn't mean to break arthur's heart. i think.

i'm so happy you like my eames & arthur :) i'm worried they're too OOC, but as long as people like them, that's what matters.

more on the way! hopefully it won't take as long to update this time. thank you for reading! ♥


cathenian October 2 2011, 18:56:13 UTC
Oh my god Lo! This is good!

You made me care for a fictional dog, I really don't like dogs, but I adore Rex. I dont know how you did it, but I'm going to go with 'magic', because that's always what your writing seems to be.

I'm loving all of the characters, Yusuf and his caring nature, Ariadne in her does not take no for an answer attitude when it comes to the well bring of her friends. Eames and his witty personality and Arthur in all his healing. I'm loving everything about them and am excited for the last part.

Amazing job bb! <3


hungerpunch October 2 2011, 23:21:02 UTC
ahh thank you sweetheart! i'm glad you like rex--i'm sure he'd like you! i've never liked a dog IRL as much as i like rex. i wish i could pull him out of my fic and keep him ; A ;

you are way too kind. i'm glad you are liking this! i hope it won't take me as long to get to the end of this! ♥


fitz_y October 2 2011, 19:05:21 UTC
wow. this is just wow. your gorgeous prose, the slow path of recovery that arthur goes through, the hesitant friendship between eames and him. and oh what a cliffhanger!


hungerpunch October 2 2011, 23:21:51 UTC
*blush* thank you so much, i appreciate it a lot :) i'm glad you like this & hope i can get the last part up more quickly for you!


avaserenity October 2 2011, 19:57:14 UTC
Don't you dare ruin this Dom. :(

I'm loving this so far. The way you describe Arthur's detatchment from everything in the first part just broke my heart.

I love Yusuf's blunt nature.

I can't wait to read the next part.


hungerpunch October 2 2011, 23:24:13 UTC
thank you thank you! i'm glad you like it, and i'm sorry i broke your heart, but hopefully the end will fix it! bc seriously when do i ever write shit without a happy end /o\

ngl, yusuf sneaked up on me in this fic and made me love him. thinking about doing some yusuf-centric fic in the future.

hope i can get the last part out soon for ya! :)


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hungerpunch October 2 2011, 23:26:53 UTC
you! thank you so much for your help on this, bb, i am grateful. i'm sorry i keep missing your IMs today! i hope i catch you around tonight ♥

jgl in plum NEEDS TO HAPPEN. pls.


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