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Comments 29

animesiren October 3 2011, 02:55:55 UTC
A great second chapter! I really like the tone in this story. I'm eager to see how Eames reacts to Dom as well.
Can't wait for the third!


hungerpunch October 3 2011, 03:51:56 UTC
thank you so much! i'm so happy you're liking this! :D


lapointchick October 3 2011, 07:46:28 UTC
Fucking hell, I feel so damn stupid right now. All this time I thought Dom was actually dead O.o LMFAO aaaaahh well.

Anyways, I'm enjoying this greatly and I adore how Eames and Arthur's relationship is blossoming all thanks to Rex. Hope Dom's resurrection reappearance doesn't mess up anything too much xD Looking forward to the next part!


hungerpunch October 3 2011, 12:03:47 UTC
oh! don't feel stupid, though i'm sorry it read that way for you! i think if dom had died, yusuf, ariadne, and arthur wouldn't have been so angry with him, probably just really mournful. also, arthur wouldn't have any connection to a train station, unless dom died in a train crash, i suppose. anyway, surprise surprise :DD dom is not dead lol.

i'm happy you are enjoying this though :) and yes, puppies are great nurturers of relationships; it's scientifically proven! ¬_¬ right?


bat_hawk October 5 2011, 05:33:47 UTC
Dom, you asshole, how dare you come back!

Also, poor Rex, breaking his paw. I love the Arthur/Yusuf/Eames friendship. It was so lovely to see Arthur slowly unfreezing.

And now Dom is back>( I am not pleased, Dom.

I love this so much, darling, cannot wait for the last part!


hungerpunch October 5 2011, 14:15:17 UTC
i'm glad you like this! thank you for reading & for feedback :D i'm trying to get the last part finished for you guys ♥


aislinnrae October 9 2011, 20:52:19 UTC
Oh gees! This is amazing. I love everything about it so much, I can't even-

I don't know how to put into words how I feel about this.

I hope you update soon. I am dying for more, and Dom is suchaBASTARD.


hungerpunch October 11 2011, 12:27:44 UTC
oh my gosh, thank you! i'm so happy you like it :D i'm getting a little sidetracked by school atm, but i'm hoping to get the last part out relatively soon.


venilia October 20 2011, 22:57:13 UTC
I need the next part of this SO badly.


hungerpunch October 24 2011, 22:19:16 UTC
ahh ; _ ; i'm so happy you like it and i feel like such a bad author for leaving you guys hanging! i'm sorry, midterms are eating me atm, but i'm going to get it done as soon as possible!


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