Novaris Legacy One Point Five

Jun 25, 2011 21:21

Welcome back to the Novaris Legacy!

Featuring lovely sims by: kkkayleighh, simsforaranya, bondchick_nett , perchalicious, an_nas, anyachan072, brilliantcat, pixelcurious, simchester, charterzard,

Previously on the Novaris Legacy, (I can't help it, I love TV Announcer Guy's voice in my head) I spammed a lot of Pear, Apple got heatstroke twice, they all got into private school, Cloud became a kid and Plum was born. I hope I didn't miss anything or mess it up, I'm just ready to keep it moving.

Putting on the pudge again.

The only thing I wish I could keep the censor blur for...

He looks so grumpy. I don't know why he doesn't even watch tv... he just lays on the couch.

Yeah, he love the DANCE!

I can't imagine any of these kids hitting the optional goal of being enemies with their parents...

It seems he always has to fix it before he gets to play on it.

Sweetie... I think that ship has sailed since your birthday is tomorrow.

Cute! (I wish now that I had put him in different clothes, but at the time I couldn't be bothered... oh well)

No mechanical skill. vs...

the skilled.

Plum woke Pear up with the "help with birthday" but after she picked her up it disappeared and she put her back in the crib.

So I pulled out a cake.

The candles were blown out but... Plum remains a baby.

Teen Pear's turn to go out and look for fun and/or love. Modean? pixelcurious

Jynx (an_nas) and Topaz (anyachan072) are still totally into each other. Meanwhile Pear talks to Vulcan by to-conjur.

Ois by maranatha they get along but just as friends.

But Claude (an_nas) catches her full attention.

She thinks he's the bomb...? *sheepish*

He's shy!!!

But not that shy! :D

Not that there isn't any UST between him and teen Clu (charterzard).


Back home... I need default replacements...

Plum finally ages up into her mother's old hair. :p Like every other girl! Why no girls with black hair? I wonder if that's just the way with custom hair...

Cool more sims to meet.

Some Plum spam...

Oh look the clothing tool worked for once...

Elder Evangeline. Gorgeous. I was sad that my daughter was spending the night at a friends so I had no one to show her to that cared. I showed her to my husband and he said "I'd do her" so I guess she passes the guy test, LOL.

Hershel perchalicious

Here is the friend Sky brought home from his job in the business career track... the concierge... -.- There are over 200 pt sims in this hood and he brings home a game generated guy, boo.

I love this mod that has people bring home food or pizza.


Ah! I almost caught you sliding down the banister that time!

Apple hasn't had homework since her first day of school... me thinks this mod does not do what it say... :p

Sky! Why you grow up so fast?


I told you she's not nice at this game.

B Fruitful by pixelcurious walked by and Apple engaged him in U-Punch... and then chased him around the lot to continue talking to him. I tried to take pics but they were too dark. (For some reason all the walk bys started routing around the back of the house.)

Then she took a dip.

Oh, look, Boot's going to play on the computer! No... wait... he's just sitting in the chair staring at the computer.

She likes to keep fit.

So, Boot's life time want... as you can see, has no chance of coming true...

Unless, maybe, I do this. I don't actually know if this will work, but I'll give it a try.

Oh NO!

She lived, thank goodness all her needs were up!

NOT cute... scary... o.O

Because duct tape can do anything... EXCEPT muffle kidnap victims... seriously I know this 2 b tru fax.

Hardware Baby food aisle? *snerk*

She rolled the want to go on e date with Claude again.


Ramen by brilliantcat and Cedric by slyndsey shake what their mama's gave them.

Nope, they are not getting their pictures taken.  I guess she had a yen for knowledge...

So, Pear wanted to "go out" with Claude, who showed up in a limo.

Apple wanted to sneak out with Jynx (an_as) who also showed up in a limo... apparently all the teens are loaded?

Cloud is pretty adorable.

Nusania simsforaranya  (I stole her own from her legacy! Muhahahahaaaa!)

She's already caught the smustle bug and she's still across the street.

Cloud is very social.

Aww, hun, you're still pretty.

Boot wants to be best friends with this adopted daughter.

I kind of like her nose mouth combo. Of course I forgot to take a post makeover shot.

Aoife? simchester

Plum greets the headmaster. We've got some more kids fer your school dude.

Evie's cooking has made him fat.

Thanks for the bust Claude, I needed to build a new room.

Megran  bondchick_nett and Nusania's hobby is tinkering. Can sims even tinker autonomously? Because if not this hobby is pointless. I've only ever had one sim roll a want to tinker.

Kind of fun anim.

She really wanted to go on a date with Jynx...

It did not go well...

I don't think this was helpful...

So they decided to just be friends. Maybe Jynx can hold her own at U-Punch?

Maddox by simchester.   (because surely you can't read my cheat there... *ahem*)

He's feelin' it!

I decided to try a birthday party. I invited Clu. I'm not sure what evil scheme she is thinking up here but she never acted on it. :)

He's very pretty. :) His mouth is great, I don't know why, but I really like it.

Another romance sim.

Uffry, isn't she a bit young for you?

And Apple is the first one to get a secondary aspiration. I focused on filling up all the other things first...

And that is it for now! I will probably try to cram a bunch in the next updates and get this thing moving!

pixeltrade, sims 2, legacy:novaris

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