Gwen Battle Summer 2009: Claims Post!

Aug 07, 2009 09:23

Prompt Claim Open!

You have until 11:59pm on Friday August 14th PST to claim your prompts! Prompt claiming is now closed!

Rules for Claiming

  1. Go to this post for general battle rules and if you have any questions
  2. Each prompt can only be claimed twice per type of participation (ie: 2 fic claims, 2 art claims)
  3. Each participant gets unlimited claims; in order to get a participation banner, you must complete all of them.
  4. You may change your claims at any time before the claims post closes.
  5. By promoting the battle, you may receive one extra claim that can be applied to already fully claimed prompts (ie: if one prompt already has two claimants, you may still claim it). Possible coding for a promotion is in the textbox below:
      Join Gwen Battle Summer 2009 at !
  6. Categories are defined as follows:
    1. Fanart: icons (must follow LJ rules: 100x100 ppi, <40kb), banners, wallpapers, fanvids, fanmixes, manips, animations, drawings, paintings, and crafts.
    2. Fanfic: any type of writing (poetry, prose or any other style), with a minimum of 100 words (a drabble), of your original writing. Ficmixes and any adaptation thereof will also be accepted in this category.
  7. Note: None of these prompts are necessarily "shipping" prompts. For example, a Gwen/Arthur prompt does not have to be romantic, or particularly shippy, as long as Arthur features alongside Gwen.
  8. Fanfic prompts are lettered dividing ships and gen, and then numbered individually. Fanart prompts are lettered dividing type of prompt, and then numbered individually. When claiming, please use the letter/number combination. Example:

  9. A-1. Gwen sweeping the floor
    A-2. Gwen throwing a party

    C-18. Gwen/Morgana, treehouse
    C-19. Gwen/Morgana, orchestra

    You would write your claim as follows: "A-2, C-18, C-19".
  10. A limited number of prompts listed in the fanart section can be claimed as fanfic prompts and vice versa - when filling in your form, please indicate that you're taking a prompt from the other category, and it's letter-number combination.

To Claim

Please fill out the following form and comment to this post to claim your prompts!

LJ Username:
Prompts Claiming:
Did you promote? If so, link to that promo to get one extra claim:
Desired Image for Participation Banner:



A-1. rest
A-2. the best time of the day - claimed by yelloerainboe (One claim left!)
A-3. breakfast
A-4. alone
A-5. Camelot - claimed by kepp0xy (One claim left!)
A-6. dreams
A-7. unravel - claimed by sophinisba & heather11483 (fully claimed)
A-8. learning her way around the forge
A-9. after
A-10. girl!knight - claimed by osept & maroon_sue (fully claimed)
A-11. under the influence of a little wine (note: also prompted as "any ship")
A-12. trousers versus dresses
A-13. queen's jewelry
A-14. toes
A-15. diary
A-16. oranges
A-17. perfume
A-18. diamonds
A-19. dresses
A-20. Gwen gets a makeover - claimed by magneticwave & crazy_in_lost (fully claimed)
A-21. letters
A-22. harp - claimed by fashi0n_mistake (One claim left!)
A-23. rainbows - claimed by yelloerainboe (One claim left!)
A-24. curls
A-25. roses
A-26. bluebells
A-27. drama queen
A-28. Gwen and her mother, last night - claimed by osept (One claim left!)
A-29. half-truths (note: also prompted as "any ship(s)")
A-30. red cape (note: also prompted as "any ship(s)")
A-31. polyamorous (note: prompted as "any ship(s)")
A-32. Gwen learns magic (note: prompted as "any pairing") - claimed by la_esmeralda_ & aramis_chan (fully claimed)
A-33. "A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon." - Arnold Haultain claimed by exoticrooftile (One claim left!)
A-34. "Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." - William Jennings Bryan
A-35. "As for accomplishments, I just did what I had to do as things came along." - Eleanor Roosevelt - claimed by exoticrooftile & ebonystar (One claim left!)
A-36. "For an impenetrable shield, stand inside yourself" - Henry David Thoreau
A-37. disguises
A-38. secrets
A-39. Morgana turns evil and leaves Camelot. Gwen goes with her. (note: prompted as "any pairing") - claimed by elenielofnarnia (one claim left!)
A-40. reincarnation (note: prompted as "any pairing")
A-41. Uther killed Gwen's mom, too (note: prompted as "any pairing")
A-42. escape from the nunnery (note: prompted as "any pairing") - claimed by exoticrooftile (One claim left!)
A-43. Dream by Priscilla Ahn (stlyrics link) - claimed by ebonystar (One claim left!)
A-44. Glass by Bat for Lashes (songlyrics link)
A-45. Blue Lips by Regina Spektor (songmeanings link)
(note: click image to see full/proper size)
(note: click image to see full/proper size)
(note: click image to see full/proper size)
(note: click image to see full/proper size)


B-1. Modern circus - claimed by absolutelybatty & la_esmeralda_ (fully claimed)
B-2. AU/xover with Doctor Who, Gwen is the new companion on the TARDIS (any Doctor)
B-3. Gwen meets five legendary/historical characters (could include other Arthurian characters) - claimed by crazy_in_lost (One claim left!)
B-4. AU/xover with Supernatural, Sam and Dean end up at a haunted castle in the UK - Gwen is the ghost, or Gwen is the good spirit trying to protect visitors against an evil spirit - claimed by elenielofnarnia & kepp0xy (fully claimed)
B-5. female and male roles are reversed, Gwen is a princess (comparable to Prince Arthur)
B-6. Camelot set in 2009 - claimed by misspopuri (One claim left!)
B-7. Gwen bodyswap with anyone
B-8. Tom was never killed, Gwen takes Arthur home for dinner (note: prompted as a Gwen/Arthur AU) - claimed by exoticrooftile (One claim left!)
B-9. Gwen and Morgana ruling together - over Camelot or some other place. (note: prompted as a Gwen/Morgana AU) - claimed by magneticwave (One claim left!)


C-1. wedding night - claimed by misspopuri (One claim left!)
C-2. we speak in whispers - claimed by blackmamba_esq (One claim left!)
C-3. heartache and broken bones
C-4. bonds
C-5. understanding
C-6. lightning
C-7. tremble - claimed by misspopuri (One claim left!)
C-8. sick in bed
C-9. in the forest
C-10. winter night
C-11. blacksmithing - claimed by heather11483 (One claim left!)
C-12. sparring
C-13. Holding Out For a Hero by FrouFrou (youtube link)
C-14. The man Gwen sees inside - claimed by mystic_blue & misspopuri (fully claimed)
C-15. Dancing at midnight - claimed by osept (One claim left!)
C-16. lace
C-17. love in a cold climate
C-18. persuasion
C-19. kisses in the rain - claimed by kepp0xy & osept (fully claimed)
C-20. seduction in the garden
C-21. arrows - claimed by dfriendly (One claim left!)
C-22. philosophy
C-23. and I love you so
C-24. listen to your heart - claimed by osept (One claim left!)
C-25. notice - claimed by misspopuri & osept (fully claimed)
C-26. touch - claimed by dfriendly & osept (fully claimed)
C-27. swimming
C-28. fighting with swords - claimed by misspopuri & osept (fully claimed)
C-29. teasing and playing - claimed by misspopuri (One claim left!)
C-30. The Dance by Charlotte Martin (youtube link)
C-31. reveal
C-32. living amongst the common folk
C-33. glimpses - claimed by mystic_blue (One claim left!)
C-34. lessons - claimed by blackmamba_esq (One claim left!)
C-35. first encounters - claimed by misspopuri (One claim left!)
C-36. cake
C-37. nighttime
C-38. campfire - claimed by sophinisba (One claim left!)
C-39. can't keep their hands off each other but try to keep it a secret - claimed by misspopuri (One claim left!)
C-40. Morgana and Arthur trade servants for a week - claimed by auroraprimavera & misspopuri (fully claimed)
C-41. 20 reasons (give or take) to be unfaithful - claimed by misspopuri & fashi0n_mistake (One claim left!)
C-42. how to save a marriage
C-43. The Golden Floor by Snow Patrol (metrolyrics link) - claimed by ebonystar (One claim left!)
C-44. Glass by Bat for Lashes (songlyrics link)
C-45. Blue Lips by Regina Spektor (songmeanings link)


D-1. for those who think young
D-2. letting go - claimed by fashi0n_mistake (One claim left!)
D-3. what to do to keep the nightmares at bay
D-4. five steps to pleasing your handmaiden &/or mistress
D-5. tenuous
D-6. future visions of Gwen - claimed by la_esmeralda_ & osept (fully claimed)
D-7. tangled - claimed by auroraprimavera (One claim left!)
D-8. lost reality - claimed by auroraprimavera (One claim left!)
D-9. of days past - claimed by fashi0n_mistake (One claim left!)
D-10. jealousy
D-11. unfettered
D-12. crush
D-13. never forget - claimed by yelloerainboe (One claim left!)
D-14. Morgana & Gwen go on a quest
D-15. "The two women exchanged the kind of glance women use when no knife is handy." - Ellery Queen - claimed by fashi0n_mistake (One claim left!)
D-16. "Your absense has gone through me/Like thread through a needle/Everything I do is stitched with its color" - WS Merwin - claimed by aramis_chan (One claim left!)
D-17. As Morgana got older, she started giving Gwen presents - pretty, expensive presents. As Gwen got older, she began to understand what that meant.
D-18. (also, Merlin/Arthur) Gwen and Merlin discuss the politics of serving royalty, and the value of discretion - claimed by auroraprimavera & heather11483 (fully claimed)


E-1. gifts
E-2. surprise
E-3. sick in bed - claimed by yelloerainboe (One claim left!)
E-4. life-long friends
E-5. chains - claimed by ebonystar (One claim left!)
E-6. "tell me the truth"
E-7. seek
E-8. bloom - claimed by kepp0xy (One claim left!)
E-9. misunderstandings
E-10. late night kitchen raids - claimed by yelloerainboe (One claim left!)


F-1. second meeting
F-2. letting go - claimed by ebonystar (One claim left!)
F-3. Glass by Bat for Lashes (songlyrics link) - claimed by magneticwave (One claim left!)


G-1. confrontation - claimed by aramis_chan (One claim left!)


H-1. father-in-law
H-2. "Women keep a special corner of their hearts for sins they have never committed." - Cornelia Otis Skinner - claimed by absolutelybatty & exoticrooftile; as well as blackmamba_esq with a bonus claim (fully claimed)

OT3 - characters specified with prompts

I-1. Gwen/Morgana/Merlin, surprises of magic
I-2. Gwen/Arthur/Merlin, lavish
I-3. Gwen/Arthur/Lancelot, torn
I-4. Gwen/Arthur/Lancelot, love triangle (Arthur's jealous) - claimed by dfriendly & osept (fully claimed)
I-5. Gwen/Morgana/Mordred, betrayal
I-6. Gwen/Morgana/Mordred, deception
I-7. Gwen/Morgana/Mordred, freedom
I-8. Gwen/Merlin/Arthur (threesome), summer - claimed by heather11483 (One claim left!)
I-9. Gwen/Arthur/Morgana, day and night - claimed by magneticwave (One claim left!)

OT4 - unless otherwise specified, OT4 is Gwen/Arthur/Merlin/Morgana

J-1. snowball fight
J-2. friendship, sharing the help with anything
J-3. together
J-4. lock
J-5. forgive but never forget
J-6. favourites
J-7. safety
J-8. secrets between the sheets
J-9. "Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." - William Jennings Bryan
J-10. Three Wishes by the Pierces (lyricwiki link)
J-11. epic quests
J-12. everyone's a liar! they are all shocked to learn this about one another - claimed by yelloerainboe (One claim left!)

Fanart prompts claimed for fic

K-1. Please note which prompt
K-2. Please note which prompt
K-3. Please note which prompt
K-4. Please note which prompt



(click on the image to see the full size)

from inadream_caps - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)
from inadream_caps - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)
inadream_caps - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)
from inadream_caps - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)
from inadream_caps - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)
from inadream_caps - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)
from inadream_caps - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)
from inadream_caps - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)
from inadream_caps - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)
from Nick Briggs - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)
from Nick Briggs - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)
from fugly_graphics
from fugly_graphics - claimed by crazy_in_lost (One claim left!)
from fugly_graphics
from fugly_graphics
from fugly_graphics
from fugly_graphics
from fugly_graphics
from fugly_graphics
from fugly_graphics - claimed by crazy_in_lost (One claim left!)
from erniemay - claimed by crazy_in_lost (One claim left!)
from erniemay
from erniemay
from erniemay
from erniemay - claimed by elenielofnarnia (One claim left!)


M-1. the scenes where Gwen is sleeping in Merlin's bed, in particular when he's asleep in a chair while she sleeps behind him (To Kill the King) - claimed by magic_ban (One claim left!)
M-2. Winter Song by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson (lyricwiki link), Gwen's always left behind (Gwen/Arthur, Gwen/Morgana, Gwen/Merlin, OT4, or Gwen with Tom) - claimed by magic_ban (One claim left!)
M-3. Townhall meeting scene from The Moment of Truth
M-4. Gwen helps Morgana get ready
M-5. Guinevere, once and future queen of Camelot - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)


N-1. relaxed
N-2. flowers
N-3. working hands
N-4. soothing hands
N-5. with Tom
N-6. with Merlin
N-7. with Morgana
N-8. in the court
N-9. in the market
N-10. love for Camelot
N-11. the future queen
N-12. faith
N-13. smiling
N-14. tears
N-15. kicking ass
N-16. no longer fragile
N-17. destiny
N-18. meets the dragon
N-19. fear
N-20. concern
N-21. joy
N-22. Promo pics - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)
N-23. photos from S2 sets/behind-the-scenes - claimed by motorized & crazy_in_lost (fully claimed)
N-24. Angel Coulby with other cast members - claimed by crazy_in_lost & robinmarian (fully claimed)
N-25. manipulations - claimed by robinmarian (One claim left!)
N-26. alternate reality
N-27. peace
N-28. sleep
N-29. speaking
N-30. stand up
N-31. fighting
N-32. defence
N-33. distance
N-34. Gwen/Arthur, space between
N-35. Gwen/Arthur, always - claimed by motorized (One claim left!)
N-36. Gwen/Arthur, The Dance by Charlotte Martin (youtube link)
N-37. Gwen/Morgana, candle
N-38. Gwen/Morgana, beauty
N-39. Gwen/Merlin, fingers
N-40. Gwen/Merlin, easy
N-41. OT4, rulers
N-42. OT4, departed

Fanfic prompts claimed for art

O-1. Please note which prompt - claimed by elenielofnarnia for fanfic claim C-15
O-2. Please note which prompt
O-3. Please note which prompt
O-4. Please note which prompt

gwen battle: masters, gwen battle: summer 2009

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