Gwen Battle Summer 2009!

Jul 31, 2009 09:57

No longer accepting prompts!

About 6 months on from our last, we present you with our second prompt battle: Gwen Battle Summer 2009!

In brief: A prompt battle is a big fanfest of creation based around prompts. This one is focussed on Gwen and anything goes: fics, icons, wallpapers, fanmixes, fanvids, drawings, paintings, songs, poems, anything. Let your creativity go wild!

For the next five days, we ask you to submit as many prompts as you'd like in the comments of this post! A prompt can be a word, a song, a poem, an image, a concepts, textures... Anything that strikes you as inspiring, anything you want to see related to Gwen in some way, comment with it! We'll accept any kind of prompt you give us. There's no limit to how many prompts you can submit and in fact, the more the better! Any and all pairings and character relationships are welcome XD!

Sample Prompts:

Gen, how Gwen views Camelot
Gwen & Tom, apple pie
Gwen/Morgana, Fairytale by Sara Bareilles

Note: if you prompt a texture or image, please credit your source! If you prompt a song or song lyrics, please try to include a YouTube or LyricWiki (or similar) link to the song.

__Rules For the Battle?

There are a few:
  1. Your entry must center around Gwen.
  2. Please post your submissions to the community and tag them with "Gwen Battle: Summer 2009"
    1. If you prefer to link back to your own journal, that's perfectly fine.
    2. Please use the template at the bottom of this entry for posting
    3. Please label your work appropriately. That means the prompt, characters/pairings and rating should be included in the subject line of your post.
    4. A note to graphics artists: Please post a thumbnail of your piece (if it's large) or a max of 3 teaser icons with a link to your main post.
    5. Important note! You are free to also post your submissions elsewhere but we ask that you please:
      1. First post your submissions on thefuturequeen
      2. Link back to the battle in your outside postings
  3. You can claim as many prompts as inspire you.
  4. Each prompt can only be claimed 2 times per type of participation (ie: 2 fic claims, 2 graphics claims).
    1. There is a way to get an extra claim if the prompt you really want is already totally claimed: learn how here.
  5. Submissions should all be new work inspired by the prompts you've claimed. And hopefully it goes without saying that all work is your own.
  6. Those looking to receive a Participation Banner must complete all the prompts they signed up for in order to qualify.
  7. Have fun, enjoy each other's creations and make sure to comment on things you like!

__Battle Timeline

July 31 thru August 5 - We're accepting your prompts!
August 7 thru August 14 - Prompts will be open to claim. We're limiting claims to 2 per prompt per type of participation (ie: 2 fic claims, 2 graphics claims). However, there is the potential to get an extra claim if the prompt you really want is already fully taken. More details here.
August 15 thru September 12 - The battle is on!

__Posting Template

You can make your own based on the example, or copy & paste from the box below.

Type of Submission:
Summary: [for fics, fanvids, etc - not necessary for fanart pieces]
Author's Notes: [optional]

Type of Submission:
Author's Notes:

__Bonus Claim

So there's a claim that totally captures your imagination, but blast it! 2 people have already snagged it ahead of you. Woe. But hope is not lost! If you help us out by promoting the battle somewhere, link us to your promotion and you get one bonus claim. Feel free to use the banner above for promotion :)!

__I Participated in the Battle! Do I get something?

Yes, indeedie! If you want a shiny mini!banner proclaiming your awesomesauce participation, we want to appease you! Soon we'll be posting an entry to which you can respond with an image of your choice that we'll turn into a fantasmic banner for you.

__Questions, Comments, Concerns?

Something else on your mind that wasn't answered above? Comment below with your question and we'll get back to you ASAP.

That's all! Start submitting your prompts here!

gwen battle: masters, gwen battle: summer 2009

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