Vidding Meme
I've been a bit slack with this but we'll see if we can catch up over the next few days. Gives me a bit of a break between website building.
Days 1-2 Days 3- 5 Days 6-10 Days 11-13
11 - Genre - do you prefer making certain genres of vid? What kind do you tend to vid the most?
Most definitely there are genres that draw me in. I love comedies and action vids - not saying I'm particularly proficient but they are the most fun to create. As tendency to vid the most I initially thought comedy and character with 'overviews' drawing up in the rear but I went and counted to be sure. So yes, 17 character focus vids but I see that many are action heavy. 15 vids were edited with the intention of being funny (and probably a few more unintentional) with the same amount of overview vids (13) as relationship studies . Interestingly most of the 'shippy'vids are older - overviews tend to be more recent efforts. An indication of the extent of my laziness are the eight episodic vids :)
12 - Have you ever attempted an "adaptation" vid of a favorite media source but set in a different fandom? (I.e., attempted to bring the 'feel' or 'mood' of one source to a different fandom, like the zombie Mary Poppins vid)
No I haven't - but I've seen some really good ones and I feel I perhaps don't have the imagination.
13 - Do you prefer canon or fanon when you vid (canon shots vs. using shots out of context; AU vs. canon)? Has vidding for a fandom changed the way you see some or even all of the original source material?
I've used many shots out of context in a comedic sense, getting the cheap laugh. I've only really made one AU vid and that was comedy too. Other than that I prefer canon to fanon. That's my canon too, so it's likely I'll see something a shade different to the next fan and will present it how I see it.
I don't think vidding has changed the way I interpret source with which I was already familiar, however when watching new shows and films I find myself making mental bookmarks on scenes for movement, striking composition, visuals and colour. I guess I could go through screencaps afterwards and mark all those with 'vidding potential' my brain had identified. It's automatic now and sometimes I feel I need to see a film I like at least twice - once to just feel it and another to start picking it apart.