I have moved all my fan vids to a new site
All the download links point back to the vids still hosted at Buffy and Angel Art (these should continue to work) but I will slowly be changing these. I'm currently in the process of adding all the lyrics and awards pages and when that is complete I will be relocating Art of Vidding Awards site there too.
Buffy and Angel Art will still be my home for original and digital art and all the whedonverse convention photos etc. I think once I've finished Art of Vidding I may (if I'm not driven insane) look at giving Buffy and Angel Art a make over. It's had the same layout since forever. And whilst I'm talking about websites (of which I know only enough to be incredibly confused/and /or dangerous) any recommendation for gallery sites? Sort of like thosed used by screencapping peeps. I have lots of images that need uploading into thumbnail gallery /full size image things. Not imageshack or photobucket.
And on a random note - I'm loving the album 'Light Me Up' by The Pretty Reckless - but there are some tracks on it that vocally sound so much like Poe (Ann Danielewski) but it's probably just me.