Animal or Vegetable? [Incomplete, Closed]

Oct 26, 2008 22:48

Characters: Machi Tobaye, Itsuki Koizumi
Setting: Catacombs, Morgue
Time: Day 003, Unknown Afternoon
Summary: Machi finds a morgue, Koizumi finds a morgue, Raile does some backlog because it's been bugging the HELL out of him.
Warnings: Some creepiness.

Sometimes there are no words. )

!incomplete, !day 003, koizumi itsuki (melancholy of haruhi), machi tobaye (ace attorney)

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Comments 21

facetooclose October 29 2008, 06:46:30 UTC
Koizumi had seen a lot of things in his life. He'd seen ruined cities in monotone worlds, monsters made from music, a whole universe created overnight. It wasn't like he'd never seen death before. 4 years ago, the members of the Agency were all inexperienced and afraid, but they still had to take down the Shinjin. It wasn't an easy job to adjust to. There had been casualties. This was different. Two walls of corpses. Not so much as a tag to identify them. Everything was clean and white and impersonal. He got this surreal feeling that these weren't dead people at all. They might be person-shaped, but there was nothing about them that distinguished them as human. And then there was the little boy, opening drawers and staring at the bodies. If a child, the picture of innocence, wasn't going to treat them as human, then they couldn't be human. Right?

But as Koizumi took his place beside Machi and studied the body, he couldn't quite shake the feeling that this was wrong somehow. The little boy, the clean white walls, and his own curiosity ( ... )


machitobaye November 25 2008, 04:17:22 UTC
Machi looked up, taking his fingers off the body quickly, aware that what he was doing was wrong. "I, uh--hello," he managed flatly, fudging the English a little roughly. He'd been taken off guard and didn't know this person at all. "I..." His sunglasses were over there--he couldn't reach them now. There was nothing he could do about that. Needed a room like this? Machi felt a little ill as he realised the truth of that statement. "I had not--thinking of that... that way." He hadn't at all, as a matter of fact, too absorbed in what he was seeing and experiencing for the first time ( ... )


facetooclose December 2 2008, 07:38:35 UTC
The boy's Japanese was strained and awkward; Koizumi wasn't surprised. He was a foreigner, after all. If he spoke English, perhaps Koizumi could make this easier on him.

The boy quickly hid the corpse. There was no emotion on his face, but Koizumi couldn't help but feel a bit amused. Was he ashamed to be caught down here and investigating? But Koizumi was down here for the very same reason, so he shouldn't be. In fact, if the boy hadn't shut the body away so decisively, he would have coe forward to look in the other drawers. The fascination made him feel a little ill, but he could rationalize it; they were trapped in this place, and it was only sensible to investigate everything thoroughly. Besides, he had never seen a morgue. (4 years ago, he wouldn't have been this fascinated. But he brushed the thought aside; there was no point in thinking in what-ifs, and 4 years had been a very long time for him.) "Koizumi Itsuki," he said. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He spoke in English now, and hoped that the boy would understand better. " ( ... )


machitobaye December 2 2008, 15:53:17 UTC
With the house serving for translation, it didn't really make any difference what language Koizumi spoke in, and Machi didn't notice the adjustment. Or rather, if he did, it was of so little importance at the moment that all he would have done was ignore it, or else file the information away for later. He did move a little bit away from the older boy, though, hesitating a second before answering with his name ( ... )


facetooclose December 3 2008, 21:57:05 UTC
The boy was still trying to speak in Japanese and still sounding awkward. Apparently he was more comfortable in Japanese than in English after all. So where could he be from? France, maybe? That would explain the interesting fashion. Some mighty strange things come out of Paris these days. He didn't know French, so he went back to Japanese.

Language aside, the problem remained that he wasn't entirely sure how to answer the question. He had come down here to explore, but he quickly realized that this was a morgue. There wasn't much of a reason to stay after that- at least, not a socially acceptable one. He dug the map out of his pocket and offered it to Machi.
"I'm exploring," he explained. "How about you?"


machitobaye December 4 2008, 04:05:23 UTC
Machi stared at the map for several moments before taking it, light blue eyes flicking up to glance at Koizumi before going back down to study the paper. Machi was not the most skilled at reading maps--he wasn't particularly good at reading anything that wasn't music, to be honest, but maps were almost as bad as words... it took him a bit to realise that the incomprehensible boxes he was staring at were supposed to be a map at all. The corners and margins were entirely covered in notes, to his vexation--the back, too; it was as though once someone learned to read and write easily they somehow couldn't stop. He struggled to at least read some of the tightly written text before becoming frustrated and shoving the paper back at the older boy crossly, having gained a few hastily read words and a general idea of what he considered was the really important information: namely, what the heck he'd just been handed, as well as what this Kouzumi Itsuki was doing down here in such an inappropriate place, other than appearing behind him without ( ... )


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