One of those times when short hair was so appealing... [Active/Open]

May 20, 2009 21:54

Characters: Anna Valerious, Open
Setting: unknown
Time: Night 009
Summary:  Anna arrives at the house and encounters some problems.

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*acedia, anna valerious (van helsing), !night 009, !incomplete, julius belmont (castlevania), almaz adamant (disgaea)

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Comments 39

stolenhero May 22 2009, 01:26:47 UTC
Almaz peered around cautiously. After being attacked by shadows that one night he'd come to the conclusion that it was probably a good idea to keep his sword out and ready at night. He hadn't seen any sign of the shadows yet, which was a good thing, but he had a feeling he should probably go find someone else around here, partially because he didn't like the idea of fighting alone when there were strange creatures who were likely to attack him and partially because, well, he just didn't want to be alone.

He stopped as he caught a glimpse of red out of the corner of his eye and felt a chill run up his spine as he stared at the pool of blood (not that he hadn't seen blood before, and it wasn't too big, but he was more worried about what could have caused it ( ... )


an_valerious May 22 2009, 05:25:26 UTC
Anna jumped and spun around, her dagger brandished aggressively in front of her. She was stopped from attacking the person who had just snuck on up her mainly because it was just a kid. Anna dropped her attack ready position and tucked her dagger under the edge of her belt and put her hands on her hips. Giving the kid a once over, Anna decided that he wasn't a threat.

"What exactly do you propose? Hmm?" Anna asked stiffly, her accent a little stronger than usual because of the adrenaline coursing through her blood streams. "And whatever it is don't expect a thank you, it is your duty to serve royalty to the best of your capabilities," Anna pursed her lips and watched how the boy reacted. She could see him eying the puddle of blood that she had previously been face down in and she scoffed inwardly. The kid was made uneasy by the sight of blood! Ha! If he were so squeamish he shouldn't carry a sword, they tend to invite bloodshed.


stolenhero May 22 2009, 05:43:38 UTC
Almaz threw up his hands defensively as the woman pulled a dagger on him and let out a small sigh of relief when she put it away. He guessed he understood being on edge, but did she really have to be so quick to pull it out? Although it did kind of remind him of the princess...

He sighed again. And now her response reminded him of Mao. "Do you really have to say it like that?" Well, he did say he'd help her out. "Um... Well, I was just thinking of telling you what I know is going on, to be honest. I think I've remember where some of the rooms around here are too."

Wait... hadn't she said...? "You're royalty?" he asked, somewhat surprised.


an_valerious May 22 2009, 18:12:27 UTC
"Yes I am royalty. I am Anna Valerious, princess of the gypsies. I would greatly appreciate any information you can give but first," Anna paused, purposely ignoring his first remark and scratched at her cheek that was covered in blood. She had been laying face first in it so half of her face as well as most of her hair was covered in it. "I need to find a washroom to clean this cut,"

Anna shivered when another long, low moan seemed to echo around them. "Walk and talk with me, I'd rather not be here when whatever that is gets closer," Anna motioned for him to follow her as she started to walk down the corridor. "What is your name?" She asked, trying to get her mind of that whispering sound that had been following her since she arrived as well as the groans that swallowed everything in their terrifying tenor.


New comment string is go! call_me_j June 16 2009, 05:36:07 UTC
Julius gave Anna a wry smile, but did as he was told. "That might almost be worth how much it'd hurt," he said, before his mind could catch up with his mouth and engage the safety override.

Ah, and then there was Almaz. "I have," he said, adjusting himself to get more comfortable. "At least four times before, and none of them here. Hopefully these won't be like the ones I remember; they had a bad habit of regenerating from damn near anything."


Re: New comment string is go! an_valerious June 16 2009, 05:49:42 UTC
Anna flushed a little at the man's off-hand comment and smile but managed to push down any stuttering that might have occurred. She fiddled with her belt, trying to re-center it, while listening to Almaz and than man talk. She almost slapped herself when she realized that she still didn't know his name. "I feel rather foolish asking this but, I didn't catch your name earlier while we were fighting..."

And in an attempt to seem humorous she added, "I think I'm the only one here who hasn't fought any zombies...just vampires and werewolves for me," with a slightly nervous smile.


Re: New comment string is go! stolenhero June 16 2009, 21:52:39 UTC
R-regenerating? That... definitely didn't sound good. Almaz glanced at the pikes laying on the ground. There didn't seem to be anything left behind but those, so there shouldn't be anything they could regenerate from... he hoped.

Almaz smiled at Anna, not quite catching the fact she was joking. "That's still very impressive," he replied. "I take it you both do this kind of thing often, then? I've... only just started, myself." Compared to them, at least. Who knew how long they'd been fighting to be as good as they were?


Re: New comment string is go! call_me_j June 17 2009, 16:20:56 UTC
Julius shrugged. "I've done a little of everything in my time," he said in reply to Anna. "Have to say vampires are the worst."

He caught Almaz' glance at the remnants. "I don't think they'll be getting back up. Whatever's controlling these things doesn't have its act together, or we'd be up to our eyes in the walking dead - or worse." He glanced at the pikes again, frowning thoughtfully. "Now that I think about it, this looks almost like the handiwork of an acquaintance of mine, fellow by the name of Vlad. Don't suppose either of you know of him?"


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