You Cannot Fight Your Hunger [Active/Open]

Apr 01, 2009 20:45

Characters: Gale, OPEN
Setting: The Industrial Sized Kitchen
Time: Day 008, about noon
Summary: Gale hasn't eaten in a while. This is not a good thing.
Warnings: Gale has found the body in the freezer. He's a cannibal. You figure it out. :| Also: beware of potential omnom of characters?


lorenzo belli (haunting ground), gale (digital devil saga), !incomplete, !day 008

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Comments 7

returntoyouth April 4 2009, 20:43:09 UTC
Halfway through the day and yet the construction--the drilling, he noted--still continued. He found that it had proven to be particularly loud in the first house's quaint little kitchen, growing nearly unbearable as he moved towards the back where the set of stairs that would lead down to the basement. Not wanting to stand around listening as the drilling downstairs continued, he had chosen to visit the second house's kitchen instead. Lo and behold, a quick look revealed that the house's generic freezer woman was back, though it seemed that someone had removed her from her place in the freezer and so chosen to leave it in the kitchen. Wonderful.

It was none of his business, though. Having no intention of interrupting...whatever it was the man was doing simply aiming to walk past him and into the pantry, keeping his eyes on the man as he did so. It would be easy enough to grab a few things from there and be on his way, with any luck avoiding any kind of confrontation altogether.


honor_tactics April 5 2009, 01:12:20 UTC
Unfortunately for Lorenzo, Gale was highly perceptive. He had to be, considering all that his job entailed. Not to mention it had kept him alive, and he saw no reason to ignore niggling little instincts now. He looked up, allowing the meat to slide down his throat. The other man was not built like a soldier. Nor was he dressed like one. be honest he didn't strike Gale as a scientist or doctor, either.

"You were attempting to sneak by?"


returntoyouth April 11 2009, 22:55:17 UTC
Lorenzo stopped as he was questioned. "To a pantry?" He asked, quirking a brow. He wasn't particularly surprised by his having had been noticed--he hadn't bothered to make too much of an effort to be stealthy, certainly not as much as he could have--, but perhaps a little annoyed by the question. It was completely ridiculous and Lorenzo couldn't help but wonder when attempting to avoid pointless banter and socialization become synonymous with 'sneaking by', but decided against outright questioning it. It didn't matter. "No, I simply prefer to mind my own business."


honor_tactics April 20 2009, 06:31:40 UTC
"I see."

He swallowed the last of the meat in his hand and began cutting another piece. "You were sneaking by to avoid me on principle. That much is clear. But I still do not comprehend it. Most humans enjoy the company of others, mainly for survival reasons. Yet you prefer to be alone. Why is that?"


returntoyouth April 21 2009, 15:10:51 UTC
Lorenzo quirked a brow as the man explained that he couldn't understand why anyone would prefer to be alone. It couldn't have been the byproduct of the man's being sheltered to apparently settle into his new surroundings as well as he had, but the thought that it might simply be a feature of his own world seemed just as unlikely. Even if most preferred the company of others, there was always the exception that proved the rule. Besides, he couldn't help but hope that the majority of the populace of any world might have enough common sense not to harass old men about their lack of company, or at least have better things to do.

Still, it wasn't as though Lorenzo himself had anything better to do, at least not for the moment. "People as a whole are fickle things, not reliable at all, and their company is considerably less enjoyable when there's always the constant threat of finding a knife in the back." Or a bullet in the head, Lorenzo thought to himself bitterly as he thought back to Riccardo and how quickly the worthless failure had ( ... )


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