it isn't jumping the shark

Nov 13, 2009 03:09

So I'm typing up more thoughts on SPN and The Real Ghostbusters and I've been browsing around for episode reactions, and I found something that made me headdesk.

very vague spoiler for tonight )

tv: supernatural, fandom: scares me sometimes

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Comments 3

thefreshchuff November 13 2009, 09:22:57 UTC
Ohhh, sir. No.


thecomfychair November 13 2009, 18:40:05 UTC
The worst part was it was a female reviewer (though I saw the sentiment echoed by a male commentator in the comments). There are so many levels of fail here, I just can't even.


(The comment has been removed)

thecomfychair November 13 2009, 22:34:20 UTC
Yeah, I was pretty much *headdesk*ing all over the place. It's like--it's okay for us to be geeks about a tv show, but...not for us to be geeks about books? I didn't get it.

And I wasn't too bothered with the convention either, like I said, mostly because the male fan is, for better or worse, the more recognizable fan stereotype (and it's not just us within SPN fandom watching the episode).

But I did spy a few women cosplaying as Deans/Sams/Bobbys upon rewatch, which made me happy.


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