New Vid: Lois Lane's Day Off

Mar 25, 2011 20:09

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Title: Lois Lane's Day Off
Song: Oh Yeah by Yello
Characters/Pairing: Lois, Clark/Lois
Spoilers: Season 4-10
Summary: Today is a special day, because Lois and Clark are taking the day off.
V/N: I find vidding Clois is easier and less stressful than actually writing fic.  I've been wanting to do this concept for a while, but could never get started on ( Read more... )

pairing: clark kent/lois lane, fandom: smallville, series: 1938 sullivan place, character: lois lane, vids, character: clark kent/superman

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Comments 7

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theclexfactor March 26 2011, 02:41:09 UTC
Haha, thanks buddy.


duskwillow March 26 2011, 09:50:58 UTC
Aha haha!! This was wonderful and funny!


theclexfactor March 26 2011, 15:20:58 UTC
LOL thanks, it was fun to make :D


emerald_night March 27 2011, 02:07:15 UTC
I love this so much! You did a fantastic job!


theclexfactor May 10 2011, 16:58:12 UTC
I can't believe I missed your comment (stupid LJ updates), but thank you so much!


whiteroses77 March 27 2011, 21:54:07 UTC
this was hilarious, i love ferris bueller, my favourite bit was when shelby growled at Princible Rooney. great vid!


theclexfactor May 10 2011, 16:59:01 UTC
Ferris Bueller is one of my favorite movies and I had this fic idea in my head to the point where I jut decided to vid it instead. The Shelby bit was a favorite of mine too :D


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