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Title: Lois Lane's Day Off
Song: Oh Yeah by Yello
Characters/Pairing: Lois, Clark/Lois
Spoilers: Season 4-10
Summary: Today is a special day, because Lois and Clark are taking the day off.
V/N: I find vidding Clois is easier and less stressful than actually writing fic. I've been wanting to do this concept for a while, but could never get started on paper, so I finally decided, once I started vidding again, to make a trailer instead. It's actually slightly AU, because like Ferris Bueller, I wanted it to have an emotional element to it other than just Clark and Lois getting into trouble. And since Clark is the Sloane/Cameron to Lois' Ferris, I wanted to project a bit of Cameron's angst onto Clark, but for different reasons. In this story, Jonathan dies during Season 4, and so Lois' prompting for Clark to skip school with her is her way of helping bring life back into Clark's life. But of course I wanted actual footage from the movie, so Edward Rooney makes an appearance or 12. And since this is Clark and Lois, they can't skip school and go to Metropolis without getting into major trouble. Please enjoy because I had fun making this vid. As always