Superman Anniversay Meme

Jun 07, 2010 14:10

In celebration of the 72nd anniversary of Superman, I present a MEME!  It's a 30 day meme, so maybe this will help with the hiatus...maybe.

Day 01 - The first time you ever saw Superman.

I don't remember exactly how old I was but I was REALLY young, probably about 3 or 4 when I first saw Superman and Superman II.  Since I was born in the 80s, I saw him for the first time on cable.  I think that I used to think Superman really existed.  I know that for a really long time I didn't even know he was a comic book character (just like I didn't know that Batman wasn't a comic book character, or that they even knew each other let alone were friends).  And funny enough, even as a little kid, I wondered why no one could see that Clark Kent and Superman were the same person.  But it didn't matter because everytime it came on, we would watch it.  Also, my mom knows the "speech" from the George Reeves Superman show, and we used to make her recite it on cue (we also used to make her or my dad recite the words that go across the screen during Star Wars because they are geeks and do it with overly dramatic voices).

Day 02 - When you became a Superman fan.
Day 03 - Your favorite Superman medium.
Day 04 - Your favorite Superman comic/title.
Day 05 - Your favorite live action Superman.
Day 06 - Number of Superman comics/memorabilia you own.
Day 07 - Your favorite Superman related character.
Day 08 - The Superman character you most relate to.
Day 09 - How does your family feel about Superman?
Day 10 - Precious moments with Superman.
Day 11 - Your favorite Superman quote (only Superman/Clark Kent, any medium).
Day 12 - Your favorite Superman memorabilia.
Day 13 - Your favorite Superman related song.
Day 14 - Your favorite Superman related movie.
Day 15 - Your favorite Superman related TV Show.
Day 16 - Your favorite Superman-Era (Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Post-Crisis).
Day 17 - Your favorite Superman gif.
Day 18 - Your favorite Superman macro. 
Day 19 - Your favorite Superman tweet.
Day 20 - Your favorite Superman quote (any character, any medium).
Day 21 - Your favorite writer for any Superman related medium.
Day 22 - Your favorite Superman related YouTube video.
Day 23 - Your favorite Superman story.
Day 24 - Your favorite Superman 'ship.
Day 25 - A Superman related actor/writer/artist you would love to meet in person.
Day 26 - Who would you want to write a Superman comic?
Day 27 - A song that you wish had a Superman related music video.
Day 28 - Do you own any Superman merchandise that is not comics or DVDs?
Day 29 - The Superman-related movie/episode that you never get tired of watching
Day 30 - Post anything Superman-related.

I totally stole this from another meme. but rewrote the questions to fit Superman.

superman, fandom: smallville, meme, character: clark kent/superman

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