Smallville 8.22 "Doomsday" Review (small review, spoilers)

May 21, 2009 10:20

This isn't the long review I have planned.  I'm attempting to do a season-long synopsis/review/thesis, but I needed to get this off my chest about the finale.  I posted this at Starkville's House of El because sometimes you have to respond to certain comments.

8.22 Doomsday )

fandom: smallville, sv commentary, sv season 8

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Comments 6

jlvsclrk May 21 2009, 18:24:21 UTC
If I could believe the writers were on Clark's side, I'd be a whole lot more forgiving of this season. But they heaped a lot of abuse on his head and with the exception of Injustice, Clark never got the chance to articulate his own mind. For Injustice, I thank director Tom. And maybe he'll have more opportunity to express his viewpoint next year and this problem will go away.

But what I fear is that PS are so devoted to Chloe that they actually think she's right, and continue to write her as a heroine to appease a segment of fans at the expense of the fanbase. And then there's Ollie and the so-called "Justice League", who all need to be thrown back on an island to learn some fundamental lessons about what heroism really means. I still can't get over my venture into Kyrptonsite and some of the comments there about how Ollie was proved right all along and Clark has to get over his holier than thou attitude. WTF?

So my overall grade for this season is a B+, or 8 out 10 on my marking scale. That's average by my standards.


theclexfactor May 21 2009, 19:26:20 UTC
I understand the frustration, but compared to the clusterfucks (concerning how Clark was portrayed) that were seasons 4-7, this season was more than exceptional...and I'm one of the few that likes season 4. I think the reason I'm more forgiving is because Clark would'nt let Chloe have her pity party at the end of the finale. He all but told her that his emotional attachment to (her) humans is what got Jimmy and Lois (or so he thinks) killed, and while that's not what he said explicitly, I can read it that way because it makes me feel better.

Maybe I'll mark points off for non-clarity and give it an A-...about 92%


tariel22 May 21 2009, 21:22:14 UTC
For all the problems I had with the second half of this season, I think S8 is my favorite so far as well, for the same reason you cite: Clark. He has been a new man this season, and like you, I've never loved him more. He still takes responsibility for everything, but he no longer gets mired in guilt about it. He suffers setbacks, but he doesn't mope in the barn when they happen, he moves on and tries another way. He doesn't give in to anger or frustration, but rather faces challenges with confidence and compassion. He is a true leader, and he is my hero.

Clark needs new friends, period.I'm gonna have to agree with you there. :) But I doubt we'll get even an apology from any of them. I honestly don't think TPTB believe Chloe did anything wrong. But I'm willing to reserve judgment on that until we see what happens in S9. And I really like your point that Lois admits her mistakes and learns from them, as she did in Stiletto. If only Chloe had confided in Lois about having Davis in the basement in that episode, as she so ( ... )


rednihilist May 21 2009, 23:39:30 UTC
I agree with you on pretty much every point. During the previous episode, I really actually kept shouting at the other characters to follow Clark's Phantom Zone idea. It was brilliant. :( I hate Oliver, and I am SOOOO glad Clark wrote him off (to his face, too! Ha!). Like I told roxymissrose, Clark's next billionaire buddy will be his BFF for life, so the third time really is the charm ( ... )


greenlady2 May 26 2009, 00:35:02 UTC
If I had friends like Clark, I'd end up batshit insane and a bad guy too. Bruce Wayne should run for his life soon as Clark shows up.


theclexfactor May 27 2009, 15:29:10 UTC
You're really bold to come into my journal and talk smack about Clark.


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