Smallville 8.22 "Doomsday" Review (small review, spoilers)

May 21, 2009 10:20

This isn't the long review I have planned.  I'm attempting to do a season-long synopsis/review/thesis, but I needed to get this off my chest about the finale.  I posted this at Starkville's House of El because sometimes you have to respond to certain comments.

8.22 Doomsday )

fandom: smallville, sv commentary, sv season 8

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rednihilist May 21 2009, 23:39:30 UTC
I agree with you on pretty much every point. During the previous episode, I really actually kept shouting at the other characters to follow Clark's Phantom Zone idea. It was brilliant. :( I hate Oliver, and I am SOOOO glad Clark wrote him off (to his face, too! Ha!). Like I told roxymissrose, Clark's next billionaire buddy will be his BFF for life, so the third time really is the charm!

I knew as soon as Jimmy found out that that was it. No one nice like Jimmy can know 'The Secret' and live. No, instead we're stuck with all the preachy people like Oliver, Lana, and Chloe. Whatever happened to J'onn J'onzz? I can't remember, but I liked him. I was tickled to see Rokk, Bart, and Dinah again (Even if they fully earned the 'I told you so' Clark never gave them.).

Season eight surprised me, it was so good. I'd gotten used to constant Lex-bashing (which, okay, yeah, he is a bad guy, but could you make it plausible at least? I mean, no wonder he was batshit insane. Guy was knocked out 49 times over the course of seven-ish years! Good lord, writers, that horse was dead after the tenth time, but, no! If a plot device works, keep using it!), and the Lana-this, Lana-that, that I'd forgotten I actually used to LIKE the show. Now I do again. :)


greenlady2 May 26 2009, 00:35:02 UTC
If I had friends like Clark, I'd end up batshit insane and a bad guy too. Bruce Wayne should run for his life soon as Clark shows up.


theclexfactor May 27 2009, 15:29:10 UTC
You're really bold to come into my journal and talk smack about Clark.


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