Title: Insatiable Pairing: Kai/Chanyeol Rating: NC-17 Summary: Twelve people somehow all related one way or another. A band with a groupie that turns into more. Couples, pining and lots more. The lives of the members in the group Insatiable.
You really made the sequel!! This is soooooo cute! Interesting and hot and paced just right. The descriptions are clear too , which makes it really graphic hahaha :D Sooo fucking awesome Isa! :D thank u for writing this! And I still love jongin's possessiveness <3 <3 one question, how does their hair look like in ur fic? (Does chanyeol have the black short one or the light brown dyed one?) I think I can pretty much picture jongin's hair though... (Its probably dark and long and kinda wavy right? Or xD?) This is so fun
of course!! i have so many feels for this verse so so i'll probably write more (translates into if i have the time i will)
kekeke porn is best when you know what's going on
possessive jongin is the best <3
tbh i haven't decided yet. but yeah jongin's hair is long wavy and flowy and just fluffy soft just like his hair now. all shiny and perfect. i love his hair.
Comments 16
that was so hot btw authornim moreee please ;__;
kekeke thank you!! there might be coming more (i really really like this verse. so maybe something none smutty i coming up)
thank you!! i'm glad you think so ~
it's good to hear !! (but who doesn't need fem!kaiyeol? if they know it or not that's something else.)
thank you really <3
these two are the best together love them and as girls they would look just a good together lol
i'm glad you liked it! thank you!
kekeke porn is best when you know what's going on
possessive jongin is the best <3
tbh i haven't decided yet. but yeah jongin's hair is long wavy and flowy and just fluffy soft just like his hair now. all shiny and perfect. i love his hair.
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