Title: Insatiable Pairing: Kai/Chanyeol Rating: NC-17 Summary: Twelve people somehow all related one way or another. A band with a groupie that turns into more. Couples, pining and lots more. The lives of the members in the group Insatiable.
omg more kaiyeol i totally can live with that showing up on genderbender tag, very nice, really more authors should come to the genderbender side \o/ u the best o/
i was sad when i realized no one has ever written genderbend kaiyeol and it just needed to exist so i wrote it lol really you're right more should write genderbend
Comments 16
more authors should come to the genderbender side \o/
u the best o/
thank you kekeke
i know right? i had to do it, just had to. it wanted to be written and who am i to defy it?
thank you kekeke
(i really can't say. buy new ones? chanyeol can help you lol)
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