Title: The Tales of Prince(ss) Luhan
Pairing: Kai/Luhan briefly mentioned!KaiYeol (because i can't help myself)
Rating: R
Word Count: 2740
Warning(s): Fairytale-ish and written in lapslock
A/N: Written for this
prompt at
exopromptmeme (
it was as if the whole country stopped breathing in that second when the small prince was born. unbeknownst to how different a childhood he would grow up in compared to other boys. )
Comments 13
and i was really interested to see how this wouldn't become crack. you did a really good job! yay :)
clueless luhan is amazingly cute and adorable. but really heechul did a good job making sure he never figured anything out lol
i'm glad you think so! i really liked the prompt and wanted to do my best a filling it in a way it deserved. so that you say that. thank you! it makes me really happy ^^
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jongin is smart enough to figure out why or so i tell myself
i'm glad you like the ending line. i wasn't sure if it was too gender biased. but in that kind of reality a queen should have the mind of a female and ongin only gets off on males so i just. it fit
thank you! for reading and taking your time commenting ^^
Well done...and I'm sure Jongin asks Heechul and Luhan finds out the real deal then
probably. at some point he'll find out.
thank you! i'm glad you think so
thank you !
thank you for reading and commenting !
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