Fanvid: Supernatural, Run Me Out.

Apr 28, 2016 10:36

Run Me Out
Vidder: kaiyote
Fandom: Supernatural
Song: Run Me Out by Zola Jesus
Characters/Pairings: Castiel + Dean, Sam.
Rating: PG.
Spoilers: Up to 10x22.
Warnings: None.
Summary: "Your problems always come first." A critical look at Cas's relationship with the Winchesters.

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character: (spn) sam, character: (spn) dean, character: (spn) castiel, .vid: supernatural, #vid

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Comments 5

endeni April 28 2016, 21:23:36 UTC
Oh, wow, this was very powerful!


dustlines May 1 2016, 07:03:09 UTC
I can't express to you the excitement I felt when I saw this post on my feed. You are honestly my favorite SPN vid-maker, and have been for a while. You create emotional resonance with an intensity that seems ludicrously difficult to present, and yet present it you do, and you make it seem effortless. I particularly love how your focus is more on contrasting moments edited beautifully to stand beside each other, rather than over-saturating your videos with special effects.

Though my reputation in the SPN fandom has always skewed towards the DeanCas side of things, it would be a mistake to pretend everything you have shown here is not an incredibly important, true, and valid aspect of Castiel's relationship with not just Dean, but the Winchesters (honorary or otherwise) in general. Castiel's needs are very often disregarded in favor of what others think of as the bigger picture, even if that's just their beliefs about what the bigger picture might be. Though this is so unhealthy and has effectively put Castiel into a position of ( ... )


dreamsofspike May 1 2016, 08:17:24 UTC


:( :( :(

So heartbreaking, but so very true. Cas has almost always prioritized the Winchesters - but they don't seem to do the same for him. :/ Like, ever. :(

The parts that really stood out to me the most, and I'm so glad you pointed them out, are the moment when Dean says, "All our friends are dead," while Cas is SITTING A FEW YARDS AWAY in that mental hospital, only THERE AT ALL because he just took Sam's hell trauma onto himself to save Sam. And yet Dean says, "All our friends are dead."

And the bit I hadn't ever noticed before, but the heartwrenching comparison between when Cas tells Sam, "Nothing is worth losing you," and Sam telling Dean, "You're all I've got".

I've long said, Dean puts Sam first, and Cas puts Dean first (and recently, Sam too, it seems) - but who's prioritizing CAS? Pretty much no one - Cas himself included. :(

Heartbreaking study of their relationship here, beautifully done.


metallidean_grl May 2 2016, 05:15:44 UTC
WOW! What a powerful viewpoint here of Castiel and how he has fit into the world of the Winchesters. They really have mistreated him over the years, and a look back at all this really explains why Castiel did what he did with letting Lucifer in, the importance he places on doing that, and his resistance to forcing Lucifer out.


hugglewolf June 4 2016, 00:54:50 UTC
That was very difficult to watch and much as I love Sam and Dean (I will always love Cas more) there is a lot of truth in what you say here.


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