House of TM Plotstorming (Marvel Muse AU Event)

Mar 06, 2007 14:12

Hello all Marvel Muses :) As the Magical Mistress behind the House of TM I am here to gather your plot ideas. iron_tony introduced our idea here. I would like any Marvel Muses who would like to be involved to comment to this post with your plot idea so I can keep track of it all once we begin on March 20. Once again, no one is required to be involved but everyone is invited.

Here's how it's going to work:

Everything will begin Tuesday March 20. Any muse involved is free to post their own plotline as RP or fic at any point between the 20th and April 1st. I will be posting and maintaining a Master List so everybody can follow the various plots. shade_of_grey may comment on these posts to try and return the world to the way it was. Your muse may believe her or not, it's up to you. On April 1st the AU will end with a good old fashioned throwdown between the Scarlet Witch (daughter_of_m) and the Phoenix (shade_of_grey) and everyone will be returned to the lives they led before the shake up - again, it's up to you how it effects your muse. They could remember it as an alternate universe, or as a dream, or not at all.

In order to maintain our sanity (such as it is) shade_of_grey and I request that you comment to this post if you plan to be involved. That way we can make sure we're watching you and no one is overlooked. And again, when I post the Master List please make sure to comment with your posts so we can all enjoy them. If you don't want to be directly involved but would like your muse to have a strange alternate identity in our world (for example, Sally's favorite band could be Victor and the Doombots) that's fine too. If you absolutely do not want your muse involved in any way please comment and I'll make sure they don't exist in the AU.

If you have any questions or need any help with involving your muse(s) please feel free to comment or email me (imaginaryalice at

imaginaryalice (Mun for daughter_of_m and erikscordelia)
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