The World Turned Upside Down (Message for TM-Marvel muses)

Mar 02, 2007 20:33

This is all Captain America-mun's fault.

All right, it's partly Brian Michael Bendis's fault. And Rachel-mun's. And Wanda-mun's. And now, I suppose, it's mine.

It started when Cap-mun suggested that what the Marvelverse really needed, instead of this Civil War nonsense, was a story in which Captain America and Iron Man (Steve Rogers and Tony Stark) were married (to each other) and raising a headstrong teenage girl. This led to the saga of Sally Stark-Rogers, well documented here. This, inevitably, led to my saying, "Hey! We should do that on TM!"

And then everybody had a good laugh. And then I said, "No! WE SHOULD DO THAT ON TM! We have a Wanda Maximoff (daughter_of_m, and Wanda has a history of changing the world to acommodate her own wishes (see, Marvel "House of M." Which is how this gets blamed on Bendis). Furthermore, obviously, Wanda would like to see her old friends Steve (starspangledcap & Tony (iron_tony getting along. And (it's canon!) Wanda solves everything with imaginary babies.

And thus I proposed: Coming March 20, 2007, a theatricaL_muse event:

House of TM.

If you have had a plot for your Marvel muse but could never justify it, now is your chance!

Hank McCoy -- opera star or major league baseball player?
Doug Ramsey -- Secretary General of the U.N. or Special Forces Commando?
Emma Frost -- world's greatest philanthropist or lesbian punk rock star?

This is your opportunity, muns, to indulge the crackfic you always wanted.

Several characters (ie, any Marvel pups who want to play) will temporarily be inhabiting an alternate universe/consciousness (we can play this as a sort of shared dream state, for the sake of any pups who want to ignore it) in which Captain America and Iron Man are not only getting along but married, and raising the headstrong Sally Stark Rogers (sal_starkrogers), also known as the would-be hero Liberty Belle.

The characters who we have tentatively involved:
tm_cable & merryirene (they will switch jobs! It will be awesome!)


I have narcissistically proposed starting on March 20 (to accomodate my spring break) and ending April Fools' Day, because it seems appropriate.


-likeadeuce, mun for Tony Stark, Jean Grey, and Cable
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