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Comments 7

lynner_k July 31 2009, 16:43:50 UTC
Would now be a good time to admit that I have Star Trek TOS and TNG complete seasons ?

I've LOVED Star Trek since I was in my teens..been to conventions, however, I've never dressed up or learned to speak Klingon, but I'm sure there's still time ! :o)


theantijoss July 31 2009, 23:09:41 UTC
Hee! Yes, now would be a good time. LOL. I used to LOVE TNG back in the day, and of course when I was a kid, I watched Star Trek religiously, right along with Batman and Wonder Woman. But I was never really FANNISH until the reboot, and that's mostly because everybody is SO AWESOME. Especially Gaila the Orion, who we see for a total of like, 30 seconds.

But TOS is so awesome. I'm seeing it with brand new eyes as an adult, and really enjoying it when I should be writing. I'll move on to TNG again next -- I used to have most of the series on VHS, but I sold them years ago, so it's time for a new viewing. I always thought Riker was a such a wank, though. ;)

Have you seen the new Trek movie, btw? I know some Trekkies avoided it, some loved it, some loathed it. Where do you fall?


lynner_k August 1 2009, 00:59:17 UTC
I know..I got fannish (I like that word) in my 20's. My husband shares that dorkiness with me. I've seen Nimoy..he's great..and I've seen John DeLancie (Q), he was a dick ! My fav will always be Kirk...my first crush! *sigh*

Did you ever see that skit on SNL where Shatner tells the fans at a convention to get a life ? I swear, that's how the people at those things really are..and I get a huge kick out of it !

I LOVED the new Trek movie. I understand why the "purists" wouldn't tho. I'm not that rigid about it !

I still have them all on VHS..just haven't gotten myself to get rid of them. Plus, I do have a few momento's (plates, cards. games, books etc..) I told you I was a Geek !

Did you like the movie ?


resa53 July 31 2009, 18:30:50 UTC
About the sexism and racism. At the time (and I'm so old I watched them first run) the show was waaaayyyy before it's time. Looking back at them I can see what you're talking about but back then they were considered very progressive. The Kirk/Uhura kiss (in the one about the 'Greek Gods' - I can't remember the title) was the first interracial kiss on tv. And the mini skirts were just coming into fashion - but considered very riske.


lynner_k July 31 2009, 19:24:41 UTC
Sorry..the geek in me couldn't resist..

It was Plato's Stepchildren :o)


theantijoss July 31 2009, 23:10:25 UTC
GEEEEEEEK! *smooshes you*

We're all geeks here, remember. ;)


theantijoss July 31 2009, 20:24:04 UTC
I didn't start watching the show until the 70's, when I was little, so I don't remember how it played in context then. This is really the first time since I've been a "conscious" adult that I've watched it, and it's just so much better than I thought it was when I was a kid! (I liked Batman and Wonder Woman better. Never was a space girl until Star Wars. *G*)

I definitely understand that it was incredibly progressive in it's day, and the way that it's icky and dated are of course expected because of it's setting. I'm not one of those people who lays summary judgement on media without taking into account its context.

Please don't get me started about arguments I've had about Gone With the Wind or Huckleberry Finn and other such classics. Yes, they are racist, and offensive language is used, but HELLO, we can't just throw our past away because it doesn't pass muster on current mores!

Heh. Sorry to babble, I just get carried away. *G*


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